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A Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Arish

Ardent + RIddle + SHape

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Arish in Arabic)عارِش
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of ArishAarish Aresh Aryshe Areish Aariysh Aareshe Aaresh Aareysh Aaryshe Aarishe Aariysh Aareshe Aaresh Aareysh Aaryshe
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from Ain-R-Sh:

Meaning of Arish

Arish is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means one who is working on and building something great, such as a tall or complex building, system or project. It comes  from Arsh, which means throne, or a structure that has taken a lot of effort to build and is derived from the Ain-R-Sh (throne, to build) which is used often in the Quran.

And after they had entered the city, Joseph raised his parents to the throne beside himself, and they (involuntarily) bowed in prostration before him. Joseph said: “Father! This is the fulfilment of the vision I had before – one that My Lord has caused to come true. He was kind to me when He rescued me from the prison, and brought you from the desert after Satan had stirred discord between me and my brothers. Certainly my Lord is Subtle in the fulfilment of His will; He is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (Quran 12:100)

Your Lord inspired the bee, saying, ‘Make your homes in the mountains, in the trees, and also in the structures which men build. (Quran 16:68)

Arish is also a Farsi name meaning wise and intelligent. It is not related to the Quranic word but since the meaning is good Muslims can use it.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 22nd of December 2016 11:27:09 AM

    Aarish name

  2. on Thursday 17th of August 2017 11:19:21 AM

    It means intelligent.. intellectual n 1 who tinks bout future n is clever..

  3. on Thursday 17th of August 2017 11:22:07 AM

    Arish is also used fr grls.. bt its arish. N nt aarish..

  4. on Saturday 9th of September 2017 10:12:12 AM

    is arish ali is good name ??we all like this name . any issue /?

  5. on Friday 6th of October 2017 05:12:18 PM

    How to write muslim baby name arish name in Urdu I want to give answer

  6. on Friday 27th of October 2017 04:13:26 PM

    Same people say that Arish is the quality of Allah (the maker of Arsh) so it is not suitable to name the baby “Arish”. Please guide about it

  7. on Wednesday 20th of December 2017 12:16:37 PM

    Plz tel me arish name sutable for baby or not,my baby name arish,tel me meaning of arish i am waiting to your reply

  8. on Monday 25th of December 2017 02:53:10 PM

    Anonymous on 18/11/17 10:50 pm Arish name sutable r not tel me anout meaning

  9. on Saturday 20th of January 2018 03:23:05 PM

    Arish is a great name as it means a great warrior.

  10. on Saturday 19th of May 2018 10:33:41 AM

    According to other sources, meaning is ” First Ray of the Sun”.

  11. on Wednesday 24th of October 2018 03:38:02 AM

    Erish name meaning plz tell me.. alif_ray_sheen…

  12. on Saturday 3rd of November 2018 05:46:51 AM

    Arish boy baby name and meaning. Is this a islamice name?

  13. on Sunday 25th of November 2018 09:39:09 AM

    At first look at this name even before my marriage, I had decided to give name Arish to my son whenever i have.. And today I have registered it as the name of my Fourth Son… 1- Abdul Haadi, 2- Arham, 3- Furqaan, and now Fourth will be called as Arish…

  14. on Saturday 27th of April 2019 11:39:49 AM

    Same people say that Arish is the quality of Allah (the maker of Arsh) so it is not suitable to name the baby “Arish”. Please guide about it

  15. on Monday 22nd of July 2019 09:14:38 PM

    Looks like references are not correct. I checked both the references in Quran.

  16. on Saturday 27th of July 2019 11:55:34 PM

    Arish means a brave soldier in Arabic as it is an Arabic name .. different spellings change the meaning of the name so please check spelling

  17. on Thursday 22nd of August 2019 07:21:57 AM

    Can i keep baby boy name syed arbish Hussain and what is the meaning of Arbish..
    What is the meaning of Masirah

  18. on Thursday 20th of August 2020 02:09:56 AM

    … ? ?

  19. on Wednesday 13th of January 2021 06:24:45 PM

    My name is Arish Nusayer Haq. do any of you know what Nusayer means? And also, I’m a kid.

  20. on Monday 22nd of July 2024 07:14:53 AM

    My baby boy name arish he born 1 may timing 3:00am is name is suitable for my baby boy please tell me

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Categories: Ain-R-Sh | All Baby Names Starting With A | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With A | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Quranic Names by Root
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