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A Quranic Name for Girls

Short meaning of HaneenLove, Loving and Beloved
See below for detailed meaning
How to pronounce Haneen

HUmble + NEEd + Name

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Haneen in Arabic)حَنين
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of HaneenHanin Haneene Hanein Haneyne Haniyn Heneine Henein Henyne Henyn Henene Henen Henine Henin Heneyne Heneyn
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from H6-N-N:

Meaning of Haneen

Haneen is an indirect Quranic name for girls meaning strong love, longing, desire, nostalgia. It is derived from the H6-N-N root which is used in chapter 19 of the Quran:

[And when the son was born and grew up, he was told,] “O John! Hold fast unto the divine Scripture with [all thy] strength!” – for We granted him wisdom while he was yet a little boy, as well as, by Our grace, [the gift of] compassion and purity; and he was [always] conscious of Us. (Quran 19:12-13)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 8th of August 2014 04:39:17 AM

    Good job, as you guiding people for islamic names and there description.This is islamic website.
    but here in Quran refrence 19:12-13 you write Yahya(A.S) as john, why?

  2. on Wednesday 17th of December 2014 06:47:27 PM

    @1: Because “John” is the Western form of Yahya and some Quran translators write “John” instead of it.

  3. on Wednesday 6th of May 2015 12:29:37 AM


  4. on Wednesday 6th of May 2015 12:37:13 AM

    Haneen is a soft, and gentle girl who values people’s feelings is incredibly talented, creative and smart, and is extremely loyal and very understanding.

  5. on Saturday 6th of June 2015 01:30:42 PM

    Great post ! I wonder if here’s the right place to seek advice in naming my daughter. I like to name her Haneen and relate it with the name of Allah “Rahman” to mean “Desire of Allah”
    Thanks in advance.

  6. on Friday 18th of September 2015 04:01:01 PM

    Thank you
    My name is Haneen 🙂

  7. on Tuesday 17th of November 2015 04:40:15 PM

    thanks this websites really helps



  8. on Sunday 29th of November 2015 03:01:16 PM

    my name is haneen i am not kidding i am proud Haneen meanig is soft gentle sweet and smart and incredible wooow

  9. on Sunday 29th of November 2015 03:02:59 PM

    my name is Haneen
    meaning of haneen is Smart and Gentle And Beloved And Sweet

  10. on Tuesday 22nd of December 2015 04:57:22 PM

    Thanks I finally know what my name means. Shukran

  11. on Tuesday 22nd of December 2015 07:46:19 PM

    Hey guys my name ir Haneen hayat khan… I always thought that i m only grl whoz name is haneen bcz i never see nd hear this name of any grl in whole my lyf uptill now(18 years)

  12. on Tuesday 29th of December 2015 10:38:40 AM


  13. on Monday 1st of February 2016 06:06:23 PM

    thanks to this website i know what Haneen Means Im so Happy Thanks

  14. on Wednesday 10th of February 2016 06:08:39 PM

    My name is Haneen and once I read the meaning of my name, well, let’s just say I’ve never been happier.

  15. on Wednesday 9th of March 2016 09:09:35 AM

    my name is haneen!

  16. on Wednesday 28th of September 2016 03:06:47 PM

    my name is haneen
    thanks for saying really nice things 🙂

  17. on Sunday 23rd of July 2017 10:54:13 AM

    Can i just say i have never seen so many Haneens comment as i am a haneen

  18. on Thursday 5th of October 2017 12:48:17 PM

    my name is haneen too but i write it with an ‘i’ not double ee

  19. on Monday 9th of October 2017 04:03:22 PM

    Thanks for this information! I always thought that “Am I the only one girl that name as Haneen/Hanin?” but now its look like i find alot of twins.. Since Malaysia not familiar with this name and people always say that my name is the hardest name to find the same one But now.I understand it and proud of being one of them

  20. on Thursday 16th of November 2017 03:34:17 PM

    My name is Haneen and I thought I’m the only one who is named Haneen and it turns not and I’m so happy that I found some twins that have the same name as mine

  21. on Saturday 18th of November 2017 06:23:28 PM

    It’s magical that what most haneens are is what the name means
    We all have a very strong affectionate nature
    All think about others
    All are polite
    Love to all the haneens reading this comment of mine
    May Allah Subhanawa Taala shower his blessings on all and show us the right path
    Please reply frnds
    Would love to reply u all

  22. on Sunday 24th of December 2017 10:39:02 AM

    my son’s name is haneen, now only i know that it is girls name, give me an advise about continue this name haneen saif.

  23. on Monday 12th of February 2018 01:08:27 PM

    I want one muslim girl name start first letter S and finish haneen please help mee

  24. on Wednesday 7th of March 2018 12:21:32 AM

    Wow super!! MY namr is Haneen…
    Now I undrstnd the meaning of my name…

  25. on Tuesday 10th of April 2018 05:39:51 PM

    if anybody gives it to girl,it must be haneena..haneen refers to boys

  26. on Tuesday 10th of April 2018 06:14:26 PM

    haneen for boys and haneena for girls.There are many boys with haneen and girls correct…

  27. on Tuesday 10th of April 2018 06:16:01 PM

    haneen for boys and haneena for girls.There are many boys with haneen and girls with correct…

  28. on Sunday 15th of April 2018 03:38:20 PM

    pls clear the doubt of readers that the name haneen is used for boys and haneena for do correct it in this site by making it is for boys..thanks

  29. on Monday 21st of May 2018 05:40:04 PM

    Haneen name is girl’s name.i am a girl.
    My name is Haneen

  30. on Friday 25th of May 2018 10:21:40 AM

    I am a girl..I love my name haneen
    It’s means sofe, belove,creative mind, smart
    It is a really beautiful name. I proud of my frnds haneen name used for girls. It is not only used for boys.alrdy I told Haneen name is girl’s name..

  31. on Friday 25th of May 2018 10:24:06 AM

    am a girl..I love my name haneen
    It’s means soft ,beloved,creative mind, smart
    It is a really beautiful name. I proud of my frnds haneen name used for girls. It is not only used for boys.alrdy I told Haneen name is girl’s name.

  32. on Friday 25th of May 2018 10:25:56 AM

    I am a girl..I love my name haneen
    It’s means soft ,beloved,creative mind, smart
    It is a really beautiful name. I proud of my name.. frnds haneen name used for girls. It is not only used for boys.alrdy I told Haneen name is girl’s name.

  33. on Monday 2nd of July 2018 01:10:02 AM

    I like this name Haneen I want to select this name for my little Princes

  34. on Sunday 15th of July 2018 02:13:58 PM

    Yeah, i wasn’t always sure what my name had meant (spelt Hanin) and started to doubt it because of how others pronounced it. Honestly now after I’ve found out the real meaning, i am beginning to reconsider how i feel about the name.

  35. on Saturday 4th of August 2018 11:55:23 AM

    My name is haneen
    But I am a boy , is it ok for a boy having his name haneen?

  36. on Monday 7th of January 2019 03:58:13 PM

    Hi… MY name is Haneen… Nd I am a Grl… I m vry proud about my name… Rlly nice… I luv my Name..

  37. on Tuesday 15th of January 2019 04:09:34 PM

    Why you use John word…. and this website meant for muslims names. . So……I didn’t get u replies

  38. on Monday 8th of April 2019 02:53:55 PM

    Hi my name is haneena u guys help me with the meaning??

  39. on Sunday 18th of August 2019 09:27:55 AM

    Can i name my daugter as Rumaisa Haneen. how it means with both names Rumaisa haneen. please advise

  40. on Thursday 21st of November 2019 04:04:35 AM

    My name is haneen I like to call my self Hanin I think it’s cool my friends don’t like it or think it’s a real name what I say by that is I mean they spelt my na me on the passport Hanin Hanin2009khalil

  41. on Friday 24th of April 2020 04:50:07 AM

    I love Haneen name so much
    Haneen means soft , sweet gentle girl . Haneen is princess of my dream which I love so much.
    Haneen names girls face look very innocent
    From I.ali khan ..

  42. on Wednesday 3rd of June 2020 10:17:37 AM

    My name is Haneen Hayat khan.. I always thought I am the only one whos name is Haneen but no now I found there are a lot of clear that Haneen is a girls name. May be it can be used for boys too… In my early childhood I used to wish that my name shouldn’t had been Haneen bcz every one around me pronounced it wrong… But when I grew up I came to know the uniqueness and beauty of the name.. I just wanna say I am proud of my name I love it so so so Thank you so muchy papa who named me Haneen

  43. on Sunday 17th of October 2021 05:53:52 AM

    My name is Haneen sanjab and I am proud 🙂 of my name being Haneen lol you all should be proud of your name :))))

  44. on Sunday 17th of October 2021 05:56:28 AM

    My name is Haneen senjab and I I proud of my name thank you dad for name Haneen you all should be proud of your name :))))))) You thankful

  45. on Tuesday 2nd of July 2024 06:09:39 PM

    Thank ALLAH almighty…
    I named my daughter HANEEN,
    meaning, Gentle and beloved girl and great desire…

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Muslim Names With Meanings Similar to Haneen

Meaning: Love, Loving and Beloved

Categories: All Baby Names Starting With H | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | H6-N-N | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With H | Islamic Names Meaning Love, Loving and Beloved | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Quranic Names By Meaning | Quranic Names by Root
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