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what is the meaning of Zaynab?


This is an official answer by Staff

 Zaynab, pronounced as (Z)oom + pr(AY) + (NU)m(B)er, which is the name of a "fragrant tree" according to the Arabic dictionaries. It is not clear what tree it is exactly since this is an ancient (pre-Islamic) name. It is the name of some Sahabiyaat (pious women who lived at the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his companions), including one of the Mothers of the Believers (wives of the Prophet), and one of the daughters of Ali bin Abi Talib.

Zaynab is not a Quranic name, but since it has a good meaning and it was used by the family and companions of the Prophet, it is a good Islamic name.

Zaynab can also be spelled as Zainab, Zenab, Zinab, Zeenab, Zeynab, Zeinab.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 21st of March 2015 08:14:35 PM

    Thanks. I always wanted to know what Zainab meant.

  2. on Wednesday 24th of June 2015 01:48:32 PM

    what does mahaab mean and is it a alright name for muslims

  3. on Thursday 15th of December 2016 03:37:06 AM

    ” Zainab ” can also be spelt, ” Zaneb ” . That’s how I spell my name! Put a smiley if you’re a ” Zainab ” ! ( However you spell it! )

  4. on Monday 2nd of January 2017 02:34:13 AM

    Zayn means jewel and Ab means father. That make zaynab ( jewel of Father).

  5. on Friday 3rd of November 2017 11:12:16 PM

    MY name is Zaynab so this was great I get to comment wow what an oppertunity

  6. on Saturday 17th of February 2018 01:24:00 PM

    My name is Zaynab and it is great to know what my name means

  7. on Saturday 29th of September 2018 07:47:23 AM

    My name is zainab
    And I love my name so much
    Does my name have a good meaning

  8. on Thursday 14th of March 2019 07:27:58 PM

    Now I know what my name meaning and what the correct spelling of this.

  9. on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 11:47:03 AM

    My name is Zaynab and Zayn means beauty while Ab means , Zaynab means beauty of the father.I love my name so much.

  10. on Tuesday 23rd of January 2024 08:45:11 PM

    I love the name too because I am zainab
    And I love a girl that has the name ❤️‍♀️‍❤️‍‍

  11. on Thursday 18th of July 2024 06:23:51 PM

    My name is Zainab
    And I love my name soo much ❤️

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