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I want to know whether Daneer is a Quranic name . If it is please advise the verse. I have asked many arabic speaking people, they can not confirm the meaning.


This is an official answer by Staff

The name Daneer is mentioned in the Sultan Qaboos Encyclopedia of Arab Names. Below is a scan of page 1599 of the Encyclopedia where the name Daneer is explained:

The word Daneer itself is not mentioned in the Quran directly, but according to the Encyclopedia it derives from the D-N-R root, and this root is used in the Quran, therefore Daneer is an "indirect" Quranic name. As for the meaning, according to the Encyclopedia it means "radiant", "gleaming", "shimmering", "brilliant".

For more on what "indirect Quranic name" means, please see the following explanation from our site:

To expand the selection of names on our site, we have created the "indirect Quranic name" category, which includes Arabic names that are derived from linguistic roots that are used in the Quran. For example, while Muhammad is mentioned in th Quran, Hamda is not. But since they both share the same root, we consider Hamda an "indirect Quranic name". This allows parents to choose names that, even though not plainly mentioned in the Quran, their meanings and linguistic origins can be found in it.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 24th of April 2020 09:13:33 PM

    Suggest more name bcoz daneer sound not so good please send me 4-5 names then I’ll suggest

  2. on Friday 14th of August 2020 10:10:00 PM

    I want to know the meaning of ZOHAN name either it is Quranic name or not if it is than share the verse. Thanku

  3. on Saturday 10th of October 2020 09:37:02 AM

    On Saturday 26 September 3:20 pm my baba born please suggest some name ?

  4. on Monday 6th of September 2021 05:01:34 AM

    Father name md alamgir hossain mother name jannatul asma oyana

  5. on Tuesday 29th of August 2023 11:33:47 PM

    I want to know if Kayden is Islamic name and it meanings? More where it originated from?

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