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Asalam-O-Alaikum. I just got blessed with a baby Girl Maa'shaa Allah..My wife is planning to name her either Ayra or Ayrah, Do you have any Quranic ref. for these names? Preferably Ayra! Jazak Allah!


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Congrats on the baby and best wishes. Ayra and Ayrah are one and the same word in Arabic. Please see this (newly updated) answer for more information on this name: Is 'Ayra' an Islamic name? And if so, what does it mean? 

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 23rd of December 2014 04:08:39 PM

    Yes Ayrah is a Islamic Name for Muslim Girls.
    Ayrah Means: Respectable, Noble.

    Ayra or Ayrah is the same.

  2. on Tuesday 18th of August 2015 07:08:41 AM


    The answer in this post contradicts the answer to this post. Please let us know what it actually means.

  3. on Sunday 13th of September 2015 03:06:18 PM

  4. on Tuesday 1st of May 2018 08:06:30 AM

    We are planning to name our new born daughter as “Hafsha”…. Is it a quranic name and permissible ?

  5. on Tuesday 13th of November 2018 11:58:35 AM

    Is Ayraa or Ayra same and what is the meaning of that name ?

  6. on Friday 3rd of June 2022 01:34:18 AM

    Airah & Ayrah are the same with similar pronunciation as ‘Eye-Rah’?

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
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