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A Non-Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Musab

Ma + pUt + Sum + Up + Bit

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Original Spellingمُصْعَب
How to write Musab in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian
Alternate spellings of MusabMusaab Mosab Mosaab Mus'ab Mos'ab Mus`ab
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Musab

Musab is an Arabic name for boys that means “strong”, “able”, “capable”. It also means “bull”. Musab is the name of many companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his companions, such as Musab ibn Umair, Musab ibn al-Zubair, Musab bin Thabit, Musab bin Saad bin Abi Waqqas and Musab bin Abdurrahman bin Awf.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 18th of February 2016 05:39:44 PM

    i wanna kill myself. My name is musab. I have teh c4 attached to my chest

  2. on Friday 19th of February 2016 05:44:24 AM

    I hope you’re okay, Musab?
    I mean, this is my first time on this site and I think it’s a huge coincidence you posted this a day okay.
    You deserve to live, just like anybody else, bro.

  3. on Thursday 21st of April 2016 05:28:50 PM

    My name is also Musab. What is going on here. I hope it was a bad joke.

  4. on Friday 24th of June 2016 07:44:39 PM

    Hi, my name is Mosab and I’m an atheist.

  5. on Sunday 24th of July 2016 12:22:26 AM

    I’m also Mus`ab Nuraddeen from Nigeria. I was also known as Mus’abulkhayr Alhmdulillah I kill ah for the blessing. Thanks to my Dad and Mum for giving me such a nice name.

  6. on Sunday 2nd of October 2016 05:38:02 AM


  7. on Friday 4th of November 2016 01:51:29 AM

    I have to son by name of Mustafa, and Mahmood and I’m planning to name my thrid son Musab. I love this name.

  8. on Sunday 8th of January 2017 04:32:04 PM

    My son name is Musab . I really feel proud to name him Musab
    I love the personality of Musab bin umair campanioun o profit Muhammad piece be upon him

  9. on Sunday 12th of February 2017 12:21:23 PM

    Musab is a beautiful name for a boy child. Who wouldn’t love strong, able and capable.
    I am a migrant from Wales. 45 years Australian.

  10. on Saturday 1st of April 2017 11:26:37 AM

    Hey my name is Masab ……….it’s a good name and I feel proud to named as Masab………… Its a unique name and many friends often forget my name ……many peoples can’t even understand this word then I have to tell them3 to 4 times ………..anyhow beat of luck to all “Masab.s”

  11. on Sunday 28th of May 2017 04:47:07 PM

    I am also Mushab Sylhet from Bangladesh.Thanks to my family for giving me such a nice Name.

  12. on Saturday 3rd of June 2017 05:16:21 AM

    My name is musaab bin nizam
    Date of birth 2004 november 25

  13. on Friday 20th of October 2017 07:59:05 PM

    I want to my son’s name..Mohammed Rohaan Musab,as if his father’s name z Sajid zaheer bt i like to add Musabin wd my son’s name i like the personality of Holy Prophet’s companion Hazrat Musab bin Umair….

  14. on Friday 20th of October 2017 08:02:32 PM

    I want to dis name with my son’s name..Mohammed Rohaan Musab,as if his father’s name z Sajid zaheer bt i like to add Musab wd my son’s name i like the personality of Holy Prophet’s companion Hazrat Musab bin i want his bravery in my son…..inshaAllah

  15. on Monday 20th of November 2017 01:11:43 PM

    this name is difficult to understand in non arabian countries, My son’s name is Musab Ahmad and i have to repeat this name 3-4 times to the new listener. due to this i want to change this name, please suggest. i am from Pakistan.

  16. on Monday 4th of December 2017 01:10:58 PM

    My name is Musab its a nice name its a difficult name but I love it

  17. on Monday 4th of December 2017 01:11:49 PM

    My name is Musab its a nice name its a difficult name but I feel proud to my name Musab

  18. on Friday 26th of January 2018 05:59:21 PM

    My name is Musab and I am proud to be a Muslim named Musab( I am not going to tell you my full names

  19. on Saturday 24th of March 2018 04:18:42 AM

    I dont know but till this day (my birth is 2004) people called me from wrong names but not from now

  20. on Saturday 21st of April 2018 02:36:56 PM

    Im reichell I have a boyfriend and his name is mosab aswell its so nice name from arabic means a nice thinkgs i love and i like this name .

  21. on Sunday 10th of June 2018 04:35:00 PM

    It Is Grandson’s Name He A Muslim, Many People Experience Difficulty Pronuncing This Name I Am Proud Of Him.

  22. on Saturday 30th of June 2018 06:30:11 PM

    Hi, my name is Musab and i m a Human… Thats so ironic.

  23. on Saturday 11th of August 2018 12:20:16 PM

    this name is difficult to understand in non arabian countries, My son’s name is Musab Ahmad and i have to repeat this name 3-4 times to the new listener. due to this i want to change this name, please suggest. i am from Pakistan.

  24. on Sunday 18th of November 2018 03:10:25 PM

    Allah almighty has blessed me with a male child. My son’s name is Muhammad Musab. I am so happy and feel proud for this name. I’m from Pakistan

  25. on Friday 10th of May 2019 08:59:53 PM

    I named my baby boy’s name Mus’ab. its a beautiful name with fantastic meaning.

  26. on Sunday 20th of October 2019 05:16:24 PM

    My name is also Mussab it”s a very unique name and i am proud of it

  27. on Wednesday 30th of October 2019 01:46:37 PM

    My son’s name is musaab. I like this name but most of the people called him with wrong pronunciation. So i want to change this suggest me

  28. on Thursday 5th of December 2019 06:41:31 AM

    Musa’ab not only has good meaning but also were the names of the prophets’s companions. MaShaAllah… All in one name cheers!!!!!

  29. on Friday 27th of December 2019 05:34:39 PM

    Some peoples dont know name or meaning of musab but it is beautiful ne i love it

  30. on Sunday 19th of January 2020 11:05:42 AM

    lmao the comments are hilarious…………………………. just filling 100 characters requirement to post comment

  31. on Thursday 30th of April 2020 10:46:58 PM

    I just name my brother’s son Musab on 27 April, 2020. I really love that name.

  32. on Saturday 16th of May 2020 02:00:49 PM

    I’m Mus’ab from pakistan, I feel good when ppl admire my name,

  33. on Friday 22nd of May 2020 02:06:10 PM

    My name is Musab. I am from Pakistan. I was born in August 2011. I will become a doctor in future….

  34. on Saturday 30th of May 2020 05:17:55 PM

    My name is Musab bin Tahir from Pakistan and I feel proud to have this name as it is associated with many companions of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) especially Hazrat Musab Bin Umair whose face also matched with the Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) a lot.

  35. on Monday 14th of September 2020 06:02:40 PM

    Assalamu Alaikum…
    By the blessing of almighty Allah on 13.09.20 we had a baby boy name Abdullah Al Musab.
    We have planned this name.
    If anyone do have any suggestions or comments please…

    Sha Makhdum Sumon from Rajshahi, Bangladesh

  36. on Wednesday 29th of September 2021 05:33:44 PM

    I took shahada a couple of months ago and changed my name from Richard Montes to
    Mus’ab de Medina

  37. on Tuesday 9th of November 2021 02:13:21 PM

    to all Mosab’s of the world you are legends and strong keep up being awesome guys and hope all your dreams come true

  38. on Monday 20th of March 2023 04:28:12 PM

    Yes sirrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  39. on Sunday 3rd of December 2023 01:58:40 PM

    I am also Musab Khan from Pakistan and I am proud of my name..

  40. on Thursday 27th of June 2024 07:12:56 AM

    I had some difficulties at first with the name moesap but now i see the blessing that am in and how unique it makes me

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