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Aslamo-Alaikum, I am looking for the meaning of name "Alizeh" Please let us know about the origin of this name and if it is appropriate name to be given. Many sites are claiming that it was the name of Hadrat Ali ibn Abi Taalib's that true at all? Please give us an authentic reference......Jazakallah.


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Ali bin Abi Talib has no daughter named Alizeh in the authentic Islamic sources, and just to make very sure I also looked at Shi`a sources, still no mention of this name or anything similar to it.

The only mention of a name sounding like this is in the Dehkhoda dictionary, the largest Farsi dictionary. The name is mentioned as a synonym for Alyas` (not Ilyas), a prophet mentioned in the Quran in 6:86 and 38:48, known as Elisha in the Bible. For this reason Alizeh can be used for a boy if by it you mean the prophet Alyas`.

Alizeh could also be a mispronunciation or variant of Alizaa, which is short for Alizaadeh, which means "offspring of Ali". Ali could be any person meaning Ali, though in Shi`a culture it refers to Ali bin Abi Talib. and zaadeh means "born", so it literally means "Ali born", born of Ali, i.e. a child of Ali. Since Ali means high, the name literally means "high born", "high status". I have never seen this used as a name however, it is only used as a last name in Farsi.

Alizé and Alizée, pronounced as Alizeh and Alizey respectively, is a French word meaning "trade winds", the winds that blow near the Tropics.

To sum things up, you can use Alizeh for a baby girl and by it you can mean "trade winds" (the French meaning). Or you can use it for a boy and by it you can mean prophet Alyas`. If Alizeh has other good meanings in other languages, you can use those meanings as well.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 20th of October 2015 09:01:31 AM

    Mygirl born june13 2015pleased suggest me perfect name at present we call by name of aliza wii suitable name or will changed.

  2. on Monday 4th of July 2016 12:02:09 PM

    Aliza or Alisa / Alatza or Aleesa is all these names are Muslims names for girls be advice

  3. on Wednesday 29th of March 2017 05:48:13 AM

    what is the meaning of name areez please tell me right answer

  4. on Wednesday 29th of March 2017 05:50:56 AM

    please tell me the meaning of name areez when you tell me the meaning of name areez then i tell you the right meaning of name meshaim muslim name

  5. on Wednesday 19th of April 2017 04:08:27 PM

    Insha allah i will take of my daughter name alizeh

  6. on Monday 31st of July 2017 09:48:49 PM

    Plz tell the real meaning of Alizeh, is this good name. Plz help me I’m very worrying about my daughter name is this name is good for my daughter.

  7. on Saturday 2nd of September 2017 05:11:32 AM

    My Baby Girl is Born on 29th August.
    Kindly Suggest some Names.

  8. on Saturday 27th of January 2018 06:01:43 PM

    My beby girl is born 18 August 2015 kindly suggests some names.

  9. on Sunday 11th of March 2018 04:29:17 PM

    My baby girl is born 14 july 2004 her name is Lamia , we want to change her name, we will take her name is Alizeh /Alizay or kindly suggests some islamic name please..

  10. on Sunday 11th of March 2018 04:41:12 PM

    My baby born14July 2004 her name is Lamia ,i want to change her name Aleezay kindly suggests.

  11. on Sunday 11th of March 2018 04:46:19 PM

    My baby born 14July 2004 her name is Lamia ,i want to change her name Aleezay kindly suggests.

  12. on Saturday 17th of August 2019 04:02:39 PM

    My baby born in July 4 2019 kindly suggested for any name for her

  13. on Monday 23rd of September 2019 05:37:45 AM

    My daughter born on 23march 2019 his name is abia i am confuse about this name I want to change her name kindly suggested any name

  14. on Wednesday 30th of October 2019 07:14:27 AM

    My daughter born on 28 October 2019 his name is abia i am confuse about this name I want to change her name kindly suggested any name

  15. on Wednesday 30th of October 2019 07:15:58 AM

    My daughter born on 28 October 2019 his name is Alizeh i am confuse about this name I want to change her name kindly suggested any name

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