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A Quranic Name for Boys and Girls

How to pronounce Izaan

Islam + Zoom + After + New

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Izaan in Arabic)إذعان
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of IzaanIz'aan Izan Iz'an Ezaan Ez'aan Ezan Ez'an Izan Ithan Edhaan Edhan Ethan
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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Meaning of Izaan

Izaan is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “submission”, “obedience”, “acceptance”. It is derived from the DHAL-AIN-N root which is used in the Quran in verse 24:49.

but if the truth happens to be to their liking, they submissively accept it! (Quran 24:49)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 27th of July 2015 06:10:52 PM

    Alhamdulillah… I am blessed with a baby boy.. Little bit confused to put a name for my son… Dear Friends Please comment Whether “Muhammad Nabhan’ or “Muhammad Izaan” is the good name.

    Nabhan means- Vigilant, Alert, Noble, Outstanding etc…

    Izaan Means- Obedience, acceptance

    Pls comment..

  2. on Sunday 10th of January 2016 07:58:47 AM

    My baby boy name is izaan Ahmed. It’s very good and unique has good meaning,

  3. on Thursday 21st of July 2016 06:39:27 PM

    My 5 months old baby boy name izaan nasim
    Unique name as izaan is not hear much

  4. on Monday 19th of September 2016 09:15:37 PM

    mn cmbhjnm ç.mjnbnbBmjnmmmmjhbqqqqqqqqq,we4rr4e3w2e4njmn q qqm

  5. on Tuesday 6th of December 2016 10:50:07 PM

    I have also given my Baby name Mohammed Izaan Mirza! its unique Good in meaning, unique in pronounce, indirectly mentioned in quran, I understand its submission to God’ its meaning inshallah and Ameen 🙂

  6. on Monday 27th of February 2017 04:56:41 AM

    I kept my boys name as Izan , Do i need to add extra “a” in his name?

  7. on Monday 27th of February 2017 05:13:43 AM

    Alhamdulillah.. I have a boy who is 3 years old now.. But I kept his name as Izan i need to add extra “a” in his name?

  8. on Thursday 4th of May 2017 06:06:16 PM

    I have also given my Baby name Mohammed Izaan Mirza! its unique Good in meaning, unique in pronounce, indirectly mentioned in quran, I understand its submission to God’ its meaning inshallah and Ameen

  9. on Tuesday 23rd of May 2017 02:43:15 PM

    My nephews name is Izaan Khan, he is extremely naughty, complete aafat..some one told me that the meaning of izaan is punisher..i am very confused what to do!
    Can any one suggest a way out

  10. on Sunday 3rd of September 2017 07:26:45 AM

    I have also given my baby nsme mohammed Izaan .I like it very. much also my husbant say good comment about it.

  11. on Wednesday 25th of October 2017 07:17:15 AM

    Confused for baby boy name
    Kindly suggest good meaning & unique name ……
    Izzan is good ??

  12. on Saturday 25th of November 2017 02:23:03 PM

    I recently converted to Muslim and this is the name my boyfriend picked out for me.

  13. on Friday 29th of December 2017 09:05:53 AM

    Is not here izaan used for the hypocrites?
    Please guide if it’s else where used in a good way.

  14. on Thursday 1st of March 2018 03:30:17 AM

    Izaan name is so good nd beautyfull name my baby name izaan world famous name

  15. on Thursday 29th of March 2018 09:15:47 PM

    ‘Izaanuddin’ is Correct name..?
    Please guide

  16. on Thursday 29th of March 2018 09:25:41 PM

    Boy Name
    ‘Izaanuddin’ is Correct name……..?
    Please Guide

  17. on Friday 18th of May 2018 03:35:28 AM

    Assalamoalaikum My babY name is Zavian Ali pls comment Nd tell me about Zavian Ali name,,

  18. on Wednesday 22nd of August 2018 09:23:15 AM

    My baby boy birth 5 years go I named him izaan fadhlurrahman, izaan is unique name

  19. on Wednesday 29th of August 2018 06:34:01 AM

    My nephew name Izaan Ansari so beautiful name I love this name

  20. on Monday 3rd of September 2018 04:47:47 PM

    Plz send izaan name meaning urdu….. ……………… …………………………………….

  21. on Friday 14th of September 2018 10:55:24 AM

    My 11 months old baby boy name is Izaan ahammed.izaan means obedience,indirectly mentioned in holy Quran..

  22. on Saturday 17th of November 2018 05:58:02 AM

    Izaan has good meaning but in the context of Quran it is used for disbelievers. Please check surah Noor ayaths near 49. Even though it has good meaning it’s not recommend to keep this name.
    May Allah show us all right path and make it easy to hold Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed.

  23. on Saturday 5th of September 2020 07:02:47 PM

    alert(“salaam alaykum dear brother / sister”);

  24. on Wednesday 10th of February 2021 05:51:23 PM

    Hello everyone, need your expert opinion. I wish to select the following name for my son. Pl let me know is it ok or not.
    Arham Uddin Zaeem
    Meaning- the merciful leader of Din (Islam)

  25. on Monday 16th of August 2021 10:21:08 AM

    can it be Izhaan?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  26. on Wednesday 4th of May 2022 08:28:51 AM

    My sons name is izaan Mohammed who is 6 yrs now and he is the same as his name means

  27. on Tuesday 21st of February 2023 06:09:18 PM

    Comment#22 Assalamualikum, I went through the Quranic verse 24:49 and indeed, the name Izaan with the Quranic root as mentioned on this website, is used in the context of non-believer. My question is, since the name Izaan means ‘submission’, has it been used anywhere else in the Quran probably in a different context?

  28. on Saturday 8th of April 2023 06:07:58 PM

    My son’s name is Izyan, is it correct in way of writing?

  29. on Wednesday 13th of September 2023 07:29:07 AM

    My son’s name is Ezan. What is the actual meaning of it?

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With I or E | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | DHAL-AIN-N | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With I or E | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With I or E | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran
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