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Is the name Deena or Deenah an islamic name? On muslim baby name websites, it is listed as meaning "obedience". Also, this transliteration appears as part of words when searching in the Quran, but it is not clear the meaning. Thank you,


This is an official answer by Staff

There is no Islamic name that sounds like that. Arab baby name websites say it is taken from the Torah and it is the name of the sister of Prophet Yusuf. Farsi sources also say it is the name of Prophet Yusuf's sister and that it also means "judge". I cannot say whether this is a good name to use.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 21st of October 2019 12:14:49 AM

    Is deena a muslim girls name? On some websites its meaning showing obideance? Also written Deenah

  2. on Tuesday 6th of June 2023 02:21:01 PM

    In my family it’s been used alongside the boy version Dean meaning faith or religion, As the female form of it. It also is the name of the sister of the prophet Joseph and her variation comes from it meaning a judge or vindication. And there were in fact female judges amongst those people which was a very esteemed position. And if you remember her story she was stolen to be raped and she is an icon of what it is to be vindicated of any blame as she was pure innocence she is a reminder that you don’t blame the victim and that they are vindicated by Allah SWT. And so people should not judge unless they’re properly qualified and learned. And that story her brother’s went in and rather than converting the entire town slaughtered it and so they were judged and she was vindicated because all she did was exist and go outside of her house once.

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