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Is Naira a Muslim name?


This is an official answer by Staff

Naira is an Islamic name for girls that comes from God's name of Noor, which means light. Naira means "source of light", something bright and radiant that lights up the area surrounding it.

It is not directly mentioned in the Quran, but it derives from a Quranic root (N-W-R), for this reason we consider it a Quranic name.

It is spelled as نائرة in Arabic and pronounced as (N)ame + A(rdent) + I(slam) + RU(n).

Some other possible ways to spell this name are Na'irah, Nairah, Naera, Nayra, Na'era, Naayra.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 29th of December 2014 08:07:43 AM

    Naira has nothing to do with Islam, its derrived from the word noor which simply means light. It is an Arabic and mostly Egyptian name and not to be confused with Islam as it is widely used by Christians and other religions.

  2. on Monday 29th of December 2014 03:53:05 PM

    @1: There is no official definition for an “Islamic” name, usually it is considered any name that is derived from the Quran and has a meaning related to Islam’s teachings, or any name used by early Muslims. Islamic and Christian names do not have to be mutually exclusive, for example Maryam is both an Islamic and a Christian name.

  3. on Thursday 18th of June 2015 11:16:35 AM

    Naira is a popular Armenian name and a variant of Nairi which was the Assyrian name for a Proto-Armenian tribe in the Armenian Highlands and later used used as a synonym for Armenia among Armenians.

  4. on Thursday 17th of September 2015 12:20:43 PM

    That is true. Naira is a variant of Nairy which is a christian Armenian name related to the old name of Armenia.

  5. on Monday 13th of June 2016 09:05:29 AM

    Naira, Narine, Nar are Armenian prechristian names, the names have nothing in common with Islam… It comes from the word Nairi (another name for Harmania, Armenia)… It comes from mother goddess NAR meaning the one who gives the birth, the source, the bright origin

  6. on Wednesday 2nd of November 2016 05:19:30 AM

    Does naira having origin of INDIA also ? Please explain. I am from gujarat,INDIA And want to fix my Baby ‘s name Naira…does naira have any link with Ved or sanskrit ?

  7. on Tuesday 14th of March 2017 12:18:22 PM

    No it doesnot have a meaning in sanskrit or vedas.

  8. on Sunday 19th of March 2017 04:04:38 PM

    In Sanskrit it means beauty of goddess sarawati… so it does have Indian roots.

  9. on Tuesday 20th of March 2018 05:51:46 AM

    Am a Muslim woman I put this name to my princess, is it Muslim name? Shall I call to my princess on this name… Please let me know.

  10. on Wednesday 30th of May 2018 08:28:03 AM

    I want to keep name Naira for my princess. Is this muslim name???? I read some comments above which is not show this name is muslim

  11. on Tuesday 25th of September 2018 11:24:09 PM

    Naira is a pre-Islamic / pre-Christian popular Armenian name derives from Nairi which means Armenia itself.

  12. on Saturday 10th of July 2021 06:54:41 PM

    Am so confused with the comment am seeing here in the senses that am calling my daughter naira due to the meaning I saw.

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