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A Quranic Name for Boys and Girls

How to pronounce Ilan

Islam + LANd

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Ilan in Arabic)عِلان
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of IlanElan Elaan Ilaan Ilanne Elanne Eilanne Eylanne Elane Elan Elaane Elaane Elaan Eylane Eylan Eylaan
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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Meaning of Ilan

Ilan is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means to announce something, to make something public. It also means a person who is industrious and able to create and build things. It is derived from the Ain-L-N root which is used in many places in the Quran.

those who are steadfast in seeking the favour of their Lord, and pray regularly and spend secretly and openly out of what We have provided them with, and ward off evil with good. Theirs shall be the final abode. (Quran 13:22)

Then I [called them to faith] publicly and in private. (Quran 71:9)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 5th of August 2017 02:10:12 AM

    Yes, its origin is Hebrew. it means Tree. Feminine foorm of Ilana.

  2. on Saturday 7th of July 2018 01:13:35 AM

    Salaam. I liked a lot this name but the meaning i found for ilan that i liked was with alif lam alif and noon which means intelligent and good person so iam confused if i can name it my son

  3. on Saturday 7th of July 2018 01:15:32 AM

    I still dont know the origin of this name that start with alif and if is a jew name or muslim or has in quran?!

  4. on Thursday 6th of February 2025 12:26:27 AM


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Categories: Ain-L-N | All Baby Names Starting With I or E | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With I or E | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With I or E | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Quranic Names by Root
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