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Salam..Can you tell me if Zunaira is mentioned in the Quran. And what does it mean. Is it arabic or persian name


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Zunaira is a variant of Zinnaira and Zinneera, a Sahabiyya name, known as Zunairah al-Rumiya. She was a Roman (Byzantine) slave and became Muslim in Makkah in the early days of Islam. The pagans tortured her severely until she became blind and they said "our gods have made her blind", but she said "this is from my Lord [Allah], and He is able to bring my eyes back again" A day later she had her vision back and Abu Bakr purchased her from her torturers and gave her her freedom.

Both Zunaira and Zinneera are used to refer to her, and you can use either of them as a name. The meaning of the name is unclear since it doesn't originate from Arabic.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 2nd of April 2016 01:21:39 PM

    zunaira is so good name I like zunaira name it is so beautifull name in the word I like zunaira name in is Islamic name so much

  2. on Wednesday 1st of June 2016 02:21:55 PM

    Zunaira is a good name for female baby. When I heard, I like very much and keen interested to name my baby as ZUHA ZUNAIRA. Thanks “//”. Others also like very much. We can use Zunaira Fathima, Zunaira Toyyeba etc.

  3. on Wednesday 10th of August 2016 03:53:52 PM

    dose the name zunaira mean flower of heavn because my mom and dad told me it means flower of heavn.

  4. on Friday 12th of August 2016 05:34:27 PM

    if anyone like zunaira so the should know my name is zunaira

  5. on Friday 12th of August 2016 05:36:24 PM

    i like this page this page is so good i also like the name zunaira

  6. on Thursday 17th of November 2016 06:05:20 PM

    It is my sis name it just a awesome name

    I just Love it

  7. on Tuesday 2nd of May 2017 06:58:04 PM

    I have named my daughter as Zunaira, it’s a very beautiful name.

  8. on Monday 8th of May 2017 10:23:02 AM

    In which parah do we find the name zunairah can u plz tell us

  9. on Saturday 17th of June 2017 10:38:02 AM

    My name is zunaira and my parents tell me it means something that sparkles or stands out.. I also have very tall height so the meaning kind of became true on me

  10. on Friday 21st of July 2017 02:52:25 AM

    Mashallah it is so beautiful name my sister’s name is also Zunaira☺☺

  11. on Monday 27th of November 2017 07:54:36 AM

    My daughter name is zunairah and I love the name so much.

  12. on Sunday 3rd of December 2017 04:13:46 PM

    My name is zunaira my mom said zunaira means precious stone and heaven of flower

  13. on Tuesday 13th of February 2018 01:32:05 PM

    My name zunaira fatimatul kubra
    I am so happy that my name is zunaira and my name means it is a name of an sahabiyah

  14. on Saturday 19th of May 2018 02:58:05 PM

    My name is zunaira awesome meaning of my friend’s name is zunaira

  15. on Friday 28th of September 2018 01:10:28 PM

    My name is also zunaira and i like this name it very beautiful name and i am happy my name is zunaira

  16. on Sunday 4th of November 2018 04:38:23 PM

    My name means flower of paradise/heaven my name is zunaira

  17. on Friday 7th of December 2018 06:15:53 PM

    My daughter name is Zunaira and i like her name very much. Zunaira means flower of paradise. And i love her very much. Allah has given me such a good n wonderful daughter name called zunaira.

  18. on Monday 15th of April 2019 04:12:44 PM

    V nice name zunaira my daughter name is .zunaira Fhatima good nam

  19. on Saturday 22nd of June 2019 12:06:32 PM

    My doughter name is zunaira and is really a flower of heaven thank u

  20. on Thursday 12th of November 2020 06:18:41 AM

    My name is zunaira Maryam I like my name very much it also means guiding light

  21. on Thursday 31st of December 2020 09:54:23 AM

    My name is Zunaira. I love it but my mother had told me that the meaning of my name is two shiny eyes.

  22. on Sunday 4th of April 2021 11:37:09 AM

    i named my daughter is zunairah. i love the name so very much being the name of shabiyyah

  23. on Sunday 4th of June 2023 06:40:34 AM

    The person I love is called Zunaira but I also call her Mano billi.

  24. on Monday 10th of July 2023 10:48:51 AM

    assalama alaikum warahamatullah my name is zunaira am so happy

  25. on Saturday 21st of October 2023 09:55:52 PM

    My name is zunaira also and I love the name very well

  26. on Thursday 23rd of November 2023 05:39:47 PM

    My Mother named me Zunaira because it said in the book that it means a shinning star.

  27. on Saturday 30th of March 2024 03:45:27 PM

    Zunairah means: a woman who fills vessel, a woman wearing zunnar. As per the Shariah, this name is not correct. Change it to some other name.

  28. on Saturday 25th of May 2024 02:24:50 PM

    I’m happy that my name is zunaira fatima Allah is looking at your wonderful behaveoir i have never been to makkah in my life but inshaallah i will go there

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