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Hi please advise if we can pronounce Sanaya as Shanaya and will the meaning change?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 17th of April 2014 04:58:37 PM

    Depends, because then it won’t have the same meaning as the name Sanaya, as “Shanaya” is a completely different name with completely different origins and meaning to Sanaya. Shanaya (or Shania, pronounced the same despite the spelling) is a Native American name which means “I’m on my way”. However, it’s acceptable to name a Muslim child this as the names meaning is not bad.

    I hope i helped sister!

  2. on Friday 22nd of May 2015 10:05:51 PM

    Its a hindu name that means first rays of the sun – shanaya.

  3. on Tuesday 8th of September 2015 04:45:34 AM

    shanaya please send full mining and tell me he is Muslim girl name

  4. on Tuesday 25th of July 2017 02:00:39 PM

    I m mislim nd we r finally salect name shanaya for my doughter.
    pls sugest this name for muslim or not ?

  5. on Sunday 7th of January 2018 08:33:59 AM

    Sanaya (not to be confused with Sanayah) is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means noble and honorable. It is derived from the S-N-A (flash of light, sublime, superb) root which is used in Chapter 24 of the Quran.

  6. on Sunday 7th of November 2021 11:17:46 AM

    Still confused about the name we are muslim so with all this can i name my daughter shanaya?

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