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A Quranic Name for Boys

Short meaning of AymanBenefit, Blessings and Profit
See below for detailed meaning
How to pronounce Ayman

Ultimate + praY + Man + rUN

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Ayman in Arabic)أيمن
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of AymanAiman Eimene Eimen Eimane Eiman Eemene Eemen Eemane Eeman Eymene Eymen Eymane Eyman Aimene
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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Meaning of Ayman

Ayman is a Quranic name for boys that’s directly mentioned in the Quran. Ayman means “blessed” and “good fortune”, and literally means “on the right side”. In Arabic (and Islamic) culture the right side is associated with strength, blessings and good luck.

And when he came to it, he was called by a voice from a bush in a blessed spot, on the right side of the valley: ‘O Moses, I am God, Lord of the Universe.’ (Quran 28:30)

In Ayman the stress is on the first part of the word, Ay, and the second part, man, is said quickly and with a short “a”, which is read like the “u” in humble. Don’t say Aymaan, because that changes the word to mean oaths.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 10th of February 2015 10:45:41 AM


    Allahamdulilah I have be blessed with baby boy, now the concern is abt naming him, My name is Hamed Hussain Mohammed and I wish to name my baby UMAR AYMAN Hussain, Hussain is family name and baby name will be UMAR AYMAN, I heard its not permissible in islam to have two names, UMAR is one name and AYMAN is other name, So my question is can we have two names for baby, and what exactly umar ayman means, to the best of my knowledge UMAR means Life and Ayman mean right side, or righteous, please confirm and suggest.

  2. on Saturday 14th of February 2015 06:29:17 PM

    @1: Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

    It is allowed for a child to have to names, therefore Umar Ayman is acceptable.

  3. on Sunday 15th of February 2015 07:33:45 PM

    Can this name ayman be kept for a girl?? Its usually kept as a girl’s name in india and pakistan.

  4. on Sunday 15th of February 2015 10:39:37 PM

    @3: Ayman is used for boys by Arabs. But if in your culture it is used for girls as well, then it is fine to use it for a girl.

  5. on Tuesday 26th of May 2015 07:20:35 AM

    could you give meaning of “nasher” for boy name
    I want to give name “Mohammed Nasher” could you possible to explain in detail for the name

  6. on Sunday 21st of June 2015 02:33:33 PM

    Alhamdulillah may Allah help u and bless u by putting us through … Ramadan kareem. By hassan Abubakar nigeria

  7. on Thursday 25th of June 2015 11:14:27 AM

    Is it suitable to use Arzan name for muslim baby boy?

  8. on Tuesday 28th of July 2015 09:12:52 PM

    “In Arabic (and Islamic) culture the right side is associated with strength, blessings and good luck.”

    there is no good luck in islam! qada wal qadar! destiny!

    please correct the misconception! thanks!

  9. on Tuesday 18th of August 2015 10:03:31 AM

    Areebah Ayamin, selected for my baby girl. Want to know actual meaning or can you suggest a meaningful name with it’s similarity

  10. on Wednesday 26th of August 2015 06:21:17 PM

    Assalamu alaikum dears

    I would lik to get name for my baby any one can suggests good names for my baby .I’m looking boy names

  11. on Monday 14th of September 2015 07:44:16 AM

    Assalamu Alaikum! planning to name my baby boy as Aiman Jazib. please advise the meaning and if it is allowed.

  12. on Thursday 17th of September 2015 05:27:36 AM

    Assakamu alaikum, My name is Shiukhathali my first baby girl name is Fathima Thanha, Can I put my seccond baby boy name Ayman Ali?

  13. on Thursday 24th of September 2015 03:29:34 PM

    I m a girl. Nd I write my name aynan. It is any cidefect created with me??

  14. on Monday 19th of October 2015 04:41:18 PM

    assalamu alaikum
    i wud lyk to keep muhammed yaeesh to my baby may i know the arabic meaning of that name please??

  15. on Tuesday 17th of November 2015 06:01:47 AM

    My baby boy name is Muhammad Ayman Sharif. is it acceptable by islam?

  16. on Monday 23rd of November 2015 07:22:32 AM

    As salam walekum
    planning to name my baby boy as Aiman Ahmed/Ayman Ahmed. please advise the meaning and if it is allowed.

  17. on Saturday 28th of November 2015 06:38:03 PM

    Assalamualaikom I just want to ask what sura is that?

  18. on Saturday 28th of November 2015 06:39:12 PM

    Because my name is ayman and my son is Mohamed ayman

  19. on Tuesday 15th of March 2016 03:05:11 PM

    can I name my son Mohammad Ayman or Ayman- al – Islam …or any other word which can be added with name Ayman.

  20. on Tuesday 22nd of March 2016 05:29:47 AM

    We want to name my baby jazaa is it right javed iqbal jazaa javed

  21. on Thursday 24th of March 2016 06:17:35 AM

    Assalamwa allaikum
    Ayman zaki & Ayman Zia nam rakhna durusth hoga

  22. on Wednesday 4th of May 2016 07:13:47 AM

    Assalam Alaikum,

    Can we name as Ayman Abbas to a babyboy..?


  23. on Thursday 19th of May 2016 03:08:35 PM


  24. on Saturday 9th of July 2016 08:38:33 PM

    My name is Aydin and would like naming my little son ayman as its a Islamic name and means really good

  25. on Wednesday 27th of July 2016 01:05:09 AM

    Asa i have a baby girl and would like to name her the name dina but spelt Deenah which has a different meaning which is Obedience is that name ok in islam as it has different opinions when i searched for information on this name. JAZAKALLAH

  26. on Saturday 6th of August 2016 12:19:33 PM

    can u mantion me some name which is combination of azmi nd zulfiqar because i want put my baby name with my name and my husband name.

  27. on Friday 9th of September 2016 07:41:06 PM

    i like to give mohmmad ayman anwar as name to baby my name is anwar and mohammad is my family name

  28. on Saturday 8th of October 2016 03:14:37 AM

    my baby girl’s name is umme it acceptable?

  29. on Sunday 9th of October 2016 08:25:08 PM

    Sheikh ayman hussain. I want to keep the name of my baby boy name. Whether islamic name relies on astrology or life path.

  30. on Monday 19th of December 2016 12:48:36 PM

    My girl baby name is ayman fathima this name is given a baby wright or wrong

  31. on Thursday 28th of December 2017 08:19:33 PM

    Can tell me the meaning of Anam. Is it same as anum? Can I use it for baby girl?

  32. on Tuesday 20th of February 2018 08:30:20 PM

    Is it acceptable to also spell it AYMAN or EYMEN ?

  33. on Wednesday 3rd of October 2018 07:55:30 AM

    Assalamu alaikum
    Can we name as ayman marzia to a is acceptable?

  34. on Wednesday 3rd of October 2018 07:58:12 AM

    Assalamu alaikum
    Can we name as ayman marzia to a
    girlbaby. It is acceptable?

  35. on Wednesday 3rd of October 2018 08:02:16 AM

    Asslamu alaikum
    Can we name as Ayman marzia to a babygirl. It is acceptable? Please answer my question

  36. on Monday 19th of November 2018 04:24:18 PM

    Can I use this to name my baby boy whose sister is called Aman
    Surname to be Mirza

  37. on Saturday 24th of November 2018 10:10:22 AM

    Haha ma lil boys name is ayman he is definitely not blesse
    He always terrosrises his siblings
    Haha I must’ve chose wrong

  38. on Thursday 6th of December 2018 04:51:22 PM

    Can I put my boy baby name as Abdul Ayman please tell me…

  39. on Wednesday 19th of December 2018 07:03:44 PM

    To accompany brother rayan and sister inaya
    Ayman good name
    Surname mahmood?

  40. on Friday 18th of January 2019 08:45:06 AM

    Assalamu Alaykum
    Mihan names ta ki Islamic

    Ami amar cheler name rekhechi oh aye name akika diyechi

  41. on Tuesday 7th of May 2019 04:55:18 PM

    Ayman/Aiman is a name for boys. I do not understand why people in India and Pakistan are keeping it as a name for girls. It is a very common name for boys in Arabic speaking countries.

    More information:
    Please see the links below for sources.

  42. on Tuesday 7th of May 2019 04:56:19 PM

    More information on these names can be found here:

  43. on Tuesday 7th of May 2019 04:57:22 PM

    Ayman is a name for boys. It is not acceptable as a girls name. In the arabic language it is a masculine name

  44. on Thursday 6th of June 2019 03:39:26 PM

    Ayman is the name of my little pickle forever causing trouble he is 6 months now and has just had his first Eid ❣️

  45. on Friday 30th of August 2019 03:34:55 PM

    Rayan, Inaya and Ayman. ❤️
    The loves of my life and another little pickle on the way in February MA. Names would help

  46. on Tuesday 12th of May 2020 03:37:51 AM

    What is the meaning of Ayman Maher ? Please let me soon

  47. on Tuesday 12th of May 2020 06:29:34 AM

    I need to know what is the meaning of Ayman maher? Please let me know soon!

  48. on Wednesday 27th of May 2020 07:41:20 AM

    Assalamu Alaikum! planning to name my baby boy as Ayman Salih please advise the meaning and if it is allowed.

  49. on Sunday 13th of December 2020 03:53:15 AM

    Adam Ayman this name is Islamic good for boy please reply me

  50. on Sunday 13th of December 2020 04:34:14 AM

    Ayzal Maryam Islamic name full meaning please send my

  51. on Thursday 14th of January 2021 10:30:31 AM

    Could anyone who has the knowlegde tell me if the right spelling is اَيْمَن (=Eymen) like the “e” in “enjoying”, or is the “Alif” and the “fatha” on the “mim” is more spelled like “u” in “humble” (=Ayman)?

  52. on Sunday 11th of July 2021 10:47:27 PM

    Hello everyone

    Please help me with trending baby names i can choose from. We decided not to check the gender of the baby. So i would appreciate you guys suggest for both boys and girls names.

  53. on Sunday 15th of August 2021 10:12:59 PM

    My name is Aymaan and I’m a boy, so it is acceptable?

  54. on Tuesday 7th of February 2023 11:59:09 AM

    Assalamualaikum my baby born will be in March inshallah,can we say Ayman for boy I’m from india

  55. on Tuesday 1st of October 2024 01:40:20 AM

    Mohammad Ayman Masuood.
    My new born baby boy and i choose that name, please let me know the actual meaning and suitable

  56. on Tuesday 1st of October 2024 01:45:13 AM

    Mohammed ayman Masuood
    My name is Masuood ahmed and Alhamdolillah ALLAH give me baby boy and i choose his name AYMAN, kindly need your suggestions to choose my new baby boy name.

  57. on Thursday 6th of February 2025 12:06:29 AM


  58. on Thursday 20th of March 2025 11:41:52 AM

    Can I name my baby boy ayman only wit our adding any other name ?

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With A | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With A | Islamic Names Meaning Benefit, Blessings and Profit | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Names Directly Mentioned in the Quran | Quranic Names By Meaning | Quranic Names by Root | Y-M-N
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