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A Non-Quranic Name for Girls

How to pronounce Ayla

EYE + LAnd

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Alternate spellings of AylaAylaa Aila Ailaa Aayla Aaila
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Ayla

Ayla is a Turkish name for girls that means “halo of the moon” and figuratively it means “beautiful”, “brilliant”.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 4th of September 2018 11:28:50 AM

    I named my daughter this name as in English it is spelt Isla
    And I wanted an easy to pronounce name so I chose this name

  2. on Wednesday 5th of September 2018 04:46:07 PM

    I love my name
    My name is iyla
    Me and my sister both have moony names
    My sister is called Leila high means night

  3. on Thursday 13th of September 2018 03:06:04 PM

    My name is Isla pronounced the same way as Ayla
    My mum chose the English spelling as she thought people would call me Ay la not eyela
    Also hey girl Iyla
    My sister is also called Leila
    My other sister is called Hannah,Sophia and my brothers are called Jayden and Noah

  4. on Saturday 29th of September 2018 09:52:58 AM

    My name is Isla and is also pronounced Iyla
    Thanks for providing the info about my amazing name

  5. on Tuesday 26th of February 2019 06:38:20 PM

    My little baby girl will be called Aila pronounced Eyela. I love this spelling x more. Big sister is called Leena. Names made in heaven

  6. on Sunday 30th of June 2019 09:38:35 AM

    Does the name Iyla have the same meaning as Aila

  7. on Sunday 28th of July 2019 03:19:17 PM

    Can I use the English spelling Isla to save confusion

  8. on Saturday 17th of August 2019 01:58:03 PM

    Can I name her Iyla

  9. on Friday 20th of September 2019 05:47:09 PM

    Can I name her Iyla ?

  10. on Friday 20th of September 2019 05:47:57 PM

    In Turkish the sound Ay is pronounced Eye. Therefore the name is pronounced English name Isla. But should the spelling remain Ayla.

  11. on Monday 18th of May 2020 04:07:42 PM

    Aila in the Quran means .double check.

  12. on Tuesday 23rd of June 2020 12:04:07 PM

    Aayla is the name of my baby girl. Subahannallah!
    In Turkish the letters AY makes the Eye sound. However I added an a. My baby names gets mispronounced a lot but I didn’t like the spelling of isla and iyla just looks wrong!

  13. on Monday 22nd of November 2021 03:57:07 AM

    Hi.. My name is origin Aila.. Thanx my mom & dad gave this beautiful name to me.. But i used aeyla as my socmed name. Love my name

  14. on Wednesday 1st of December 2021 02:44:31 AM

    My daughter name is Iyla I need to know meaning in alquran pls

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With A | All Muslim Baby Names | Muslim Girl Names not from the Quran | Non-Quranic Girl Names Starting With A | Non-Quranic Names | Non-Quranic Names Meaning Halo of the Moon
The content on this site does not constitute any type of legal or religious advice. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name.
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