Short meaning of Ayan | Time, Era, Epoch See below for detailed meaning |
How to pronounce Ayan | Until + praY + YArd + Nmber Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Arabic Spelling (How to write Ayan in Arabic) | أيّان |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Directly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Ayan | Ayaan Ayyan Aian Eiane Eian Eiaane Eiaan Eyane Eyan Eyaane Eyaan Aiane Aian Aiaane Aiaan All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | A-Y-N All Quranic baby names derived from A-Y-N: |
Meaning of Ayan
Ayan (1)

Ayan (1) written in Arabic.
Ayan is a Quranic name for both boys and girls and means “time”, “era”, epoch”, “age”, literally meaning “[the time] when”.This name is not used by Arabs due to its unusual grammar. It is used by non-Arab Muslims who like the way the word sounds. It is mentioned in many places in the Quran:
They ask: “At what time is the Day of Judgment?” {Surat adh-Dhariyat 51:12}
Ayan (2)

Ayan (2) written in Arabic.
Ayan (عَيَّان, transliteration: `ayyaan) is an Arabic name that means “unable”, “incapable”1. This is an an indirect Quranic name from the AIN-Y-Y root. Arabic names with negative meanings are somewhat common, and they are not forbidden for Muslims.
Ayan (3)

Ayan (3) written in Farsi.
Ayan, if pronounced [(A)fter] + [(YA)r(N)], is a Persian name that means “long night”2. This is a good meaning, therefore it is acceptable for Muslims to use this name.
Reader Comments:
on Friday 10th of October 2014 10:55:40 AM
Ayan and Ubair were to water bowls of prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him, he was drinking water in those bowls, narrated from some hadith
on Saturday 11th of October 2014 06:39:06 PM
Either you could take the name Ayyan starting with hamzah which would mean time, era, etc, or you can take the name ‘ayyaan starting with an ‘ain and that would mean one who has wide eyes, or one who is perceptive in studying and analyzing things. Hope this helps!
on Friday 22nd of May 2015 05:58:56 PM
what is the refrence of name of bowl of prophet was ayan?
on Friday 3rd of July 2015 05:38:19 AM
9 Para Surat Alaaraf Ruku (Para) No 12 Ayyat No: 186-187 ma Ayyan Wazia tor par Parha ja Sakta hai.
on Friday 7th of August 2015 01:59:13 PM
Assallam walaikum …. My name is Asim khan . im from India ( Bangalore) Allah has gifted me a boy baby in the last month, so we googled some name which start from Alpha A”, myself & my wife Rukhaiya decided to keep the name of our son as Ayaan..
but many of my friends and hazrath says this name is meaningless.. Ayaan means when , in urdu Kab ..
Please suggest me on this. im very confused.
Jazak allah khair..
on Friday 8th of January 2016 03:42:40 AM
In Somali language it means Lucky, my name is Ayan !!!
on Sunday 3rd of July 2016 11:58:19 AM
I saw ‘Ayaan’ means the gift of Allah. Is it correct?
on Wednesday 26th of October 2016 06:46:26 AM
Is there reference of d name Aabiyah in the Quran?
on Friday 4th of November 2016 06:27:53 AM
thank you i really enjoyed the information because ayan is righting the message
on Wednesday 11th of January 2017 07:02:12 PM
try naming your sons Ayaam or Azaan
ayaam or ayyaam means an age or epich
Azaan is the call for prayer said 5 times in a day
on Monday 17th of April 2017 02:56:51 PM
Arin/orin is Arabic name or no ???? What is meaning of Arin ???
on Thursday 18th of May 2017 06:43:15 PM
i have a good purpose of my name because it is called ayan i am good in learning and focusing at things.
on Friday 19th of May 2017 12:58:07 AM
Salam I put ayaan name on my son some people said that there s no meaning of that name but when i m looking for name I selected ayaan which mean s god gifit s this s the right meaning of that name please I want to know Thanks
on Wednesday 28th of June 2017 10:16:37 AM
What is the correct name meaning of Ayaan?
please inform me.
on Thursday 10th of August 2017 04:40:32 PM
Ayan name ka sahi wordmeaning btaye jisaka mana gifts of god hai
on Thursday 10th of August 2017 04:43:43 PM
What is ayyan namemeaning is right plz inform me???
on Sunday 24th of September 2017 07:23:42 PM
mera naam hai,ayan hai,am a girl of 20 yrs of age,am so very proud of my name n it means luck n gods gift
on Saturday 30th of December 2017 10:57:50 AM
i am happy to know about my name i have good name from somalia
on Sunday 8th of April 2018 07:34:43 AM
Asalam O Alaikum. We have given name to our new born boy AAYAN آيان
Please guide us by telling meaning of the name. Also if any correction is required
The full name is given as Aayan Salahuddin
on Sunday 22nd of April 2018 01:22:54 PM
ayan meaning bangla what can u tell me please anyone
on Friday 27th of April 2018 02:21:22 PM
Ayan means Talvar ke dhar thy are saying rong about the meaning of ayan name that’s wise I doingccomment
on Sunday 29th of April 2018 08:49:11 AM
Ayan means Talvar ke dhar thy are saying rong about the meaning of ayan name
on Wednesday 30th of May 2018 08:56:29 PM
Im totally confused by this name.please help me by telling the meaning for ayaan name? Is that a good name or else i shall choose anyother name
on Thursday 22nd of November 2018 04:16:46 AM
Assallam walaikum …. My name is Munawar Hussain . im from Pakistan. Allah has gifted me a son keep the name of our son as Ayyan is correct
on Thursday 7th of February 2019 05:40:38 AM
I am saying thanks Allah and my mom for pick up on this beautiful name
on Monday 7th of October 2019 09:57:24 AM
Which one is correct ayan or ayaan??plz tell me which one has God’s gift meaning??
on Sunday 15th of December 2019 09:43:39 PM
Salaam my brother’s is name is ayan nd we found the meaning to be God’s gift. Moreover which is the correct way of spelling Ahyan,
Ayan or Aayan
on Tuesday 4th of February 2020 10:12:09 PM
The name ayan as I understand is a name used by non Muslim Arab meaning time so for me I see this name is not suitable because it is use by both male and female pls advice more
on Monday 17th of August 2020 09:58:17 AM
My parents named me AYAN, because of its beautiful meaning “God’s Gift”.
on Thursday 22nd of October 2020 04:25:24 PM
AYAN means gift of Allah….i saw it true? pls give me a feedback ,its too much need
on Sunday 22nd of May 2022 08:20:40 AM
Ayyaan is a beautiful name.Allah(SWT) put so much emphasis on “time” and if you check critically, everything Allah(SWT) created on Earth and in the heavens has to do with time,the time we were born and the time we shall all go back to our creator…..I so much love the name and am gonna name my first child Ayyaan Mustapha.
on Friday 4th of November 2022 11:56:35 AM
Ayan ( Alif -Ye Alif- Noon ) is the name of Hindu God Ganesh and means gift of god ( not gift of Allah)
Ayyan ( Ayen- Ye Alif – Noon) is Arabic male given Name meaning “watchful, seeing, witnessing, viewing” which is a connotation to the Arabic word ‘ayn (عين) meaning “eye” or “sight”.
on Saturday 7th of January 2023 11:24:49 AM
Assalamualaikum I’m Ayan Ansari from Gujarat India
Ayan name meaning is God’s gift (khuda ka tohfa)
on Wednesday 5th of April 2023 01:01:50 PM
Hi is Amal really in the quran i wished that Amal was in the quran!!
on Sunday 19th of May 2024 02:15:38 PM
Amal(أمل) meaning hope it’s Arabic named for girls
Amal عمل meaning work its not a name