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What is the meaning of Ayaan?


This is an official answer by Staff

Ayaan is another spelling of the boy name Aayaan. They are the same name and have the same meaning and pronunciation. Both spellings are acceptable. For more details on this name and its pronunciation see: Aayaan

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 15th of May 2016 08:12:57 PM

    What is the meaning of Mohammed Aayaan? Please Reply me.

  2. on Sunday 3rd of December 2017 02:57:10 AM

    I thinking my son name abdul ayaan, this corret or not please tel me.

  3. on Sunday 22nd of April 2018 06:15:35 AM

    my son name ayaan what is tha meanig of ayaan this quranoc name

  4. on Sunday 22nd of April 2018 06:19:13 AM

    what is the meanig of muhammad ayan? ayaan or ayan corrct

  5. on Monday 8th of October 2018 10:06:50 AM

    I choice two name for my baby 1. Md Aryan hossain 2. Md Ayaan hossain. Please let me know which one best for my child as a islamic name.

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