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What is the meaning of Serhan?


This is an official answer by Staff

Serhan is another spelling of the boy name Sirhan. They are the same name and have the same meaning and pronunciation. Both spellings are acceptable. For more details on this name and its pronunciation see: Sirhan

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 12th of October 2015 06:18:17 PM

    The turkish meaning of Serhan is “top leader” but the arabic meaning is “wolf”. I am confused if I should keep my baby boy’s name serhan or not. Originally I chose the name based on Turkish meaning. Any suggestion?

  2. on Monday 12th of October 2015 09:55:51 PM

    Hi, my search reveals that the name ‘Serhan’ is of turkish origin and means ‘top leader or king’ in turkish. However, suggests that in arabic ‘Serhan’ means ‘wolf or lion’. I was thinking about naming my baby boy this and now I am confused. Since the name does not have a good meaning in Arabic, should I not keep it? Any suggestion? Thank you!

  3. on Sunday 27th of October 2019 07:33:34 PM

    Serhan: Arabic has the same root language as all Semetic languages, therefore the letters meanings are as follows
    S: Thorns, Protect
    R: Head, Top, Beginning
    A: Strong, Power, Leader
    N: Seed, Heir, Son

    You see how you get Leader, Wolf, Lion out of the letter meanings. It is of my opinion that the name refers to a LEADER WHO PROTECTS HIS FAMILY, soo the Alpha Wolf, The Lion King, The Mighty Protector.

    Hope this helps…

  4. on Sunday 27th of October 2019 08:31:33 PM

    UPDATED MEANING: I reviewed the spelling and concluded that the “H” should be included due to the relevancy of its meaning alongside the other letters.

    Semetic languages, therefore the letters meanings are as follows
    S: Thorns, Protect
    R: Head, Top, Beginning
    H: Look, Reveal, Breath
    A: Strong, Power, Leader
    N: Seed, Heir, Son

    You see how you get Leader, Wolf, Lion out of the letter meanings. It is of my opinion that the name refers to a THE LEADER WITH POWERFUL BREATH PROTECTS HIS FAMILY, The Alpha Wolf Howls,
    The Lion King Roars,
    The Mighty Voice of The Watchful Leader

    Hope this helps…

  5. on Wednesday 3rd of November 2021 06:35:18 AM

    MashaAllah brothers you are inside very interesting question. Did you conclude yourselves that it many meaning of this Servant? Or it’s mean what you want to think it is? Or it’s meaning all that in same time?

    Sorry for my engiish, i hope u understand

    Can you help me about understand this.

    And 1 other it okey to name boy after israfil angel? This is the closest to the throne of Allah! I think if it’s nothing against to have this name inshallah if boy call this name

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