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A Quranic Name for Boys

Short meaning of SarimBrave, Strong and Courageous | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness
See below for detailed meaning
How to pronounce Sarim

SmArt + RIM

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Sarim in Arabic)صارم
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of SarimSaarim Sarem Saarem Sariyme Sariymm Sariymme Sariym Sareme Saremm Saremme Sarem Sareyme Sareymm Sareymme Sareym
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from SAAD-R-M:

Meaning of Sarim

Sarim is an indirect Quranic name for boys. It means strong, brave, decisive, a sharp sword, or one with a sharp mind. It is derived from the SAAD-R-M root, which is used three times in the same page of the Quran when telling the story of a group of farmers:

17. We tested them, as We tested the owners of the garden, when they vowed to yusrimunnaha (harvest it) in the morning.

18. Without any reservation.

19. But a calamity from your Lord went around it while they slept.

20. and the garden was turned into as-sareeme (a harvested field, barren desert).

21. In the morning, they called to one another.

22. “Go early to your plantation, if you are as-saremeen (going to harvest).”

23. So off they went, murmuring to one another.

24. “No poor person is to enter it upon you today.”

25. And early they went, resolved in intent.

26. But when they saw it, they said, “We were wrong.

27. We are now deprived.”

28. The most reasonable of them said, “Did I not say to you, ‘if only you would glorify?’”

29. They said, “Glory to our Lord—We were indeed in the wrong.”

30. Then they turned to one another, blaming one another.

31. They said, “Woe to us—we were indeed domineering.

32. Perhaps our Lord will give us a better substitute for it. We are turning to our Lord.”

33. Such is the punishment; but the punishment of the Hereafter is greater, if they only knew.


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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 25th of October 2019 06:24:22 PM


  2. on Saturday 14th of March 2020 11:19:26 AM

    is sarim a good name for a baby boy? please let us know. we will really appreciate your feedback. we are getting different meaning for the sarim. what is actual meaning?

  3. on Friday 23rd of June 2023 12:53:15 PM

    This is a really wrong name, I’m so upset that my son has this name. He is 8 months old and I hate his name everyday. I was told it means brave due to this page but it means STRICT and HARSH. Calling my sweet baby strict and harsh is unbearable for me. My husband told me he would change it but then backed out. Parents, Please don’t be misguided by this false definition of brave. It does not mean that.

  4. on Friday 23rd of June 2023 12:56:01 PM

    Please do not name your child this name I regret it everyday. It means HARSH and STRICT

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With S | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With S | Islamic Names Meaning Brave, Strong and Courageous | Islamic Names Meaning Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Quranic Names By Meaning | Quranic Names by Root | SAAD-R-M
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