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A Quranic Name for Girls

Short meaning of SanaLight and Radiance
See below for detailed meaning
How to pronounce Sana

Sweet + sUn + NAp

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Sana in Arabic)سَنا
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of SanaSanaa Sena
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from S-N-A:

Meaning of Sana

Sana is a direct Quranic name for girls meaning to shine dazzlingly, to glitter, to glow. It is used in the Quran in 24:43 when describing lightning:

Do you not see that Allah drives clouds? Then He brings them together, then He makes them into a mass, and you see the rain emerge from within it. And He sends down from the sky, mountains [of clouds] within which is hail, and He strikes with it whom He wills and averts it from whom He wills. The flash of its lightening almost takes away the eyesight. (Quran 24:43)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 22nd of January 2016 12:19:16 PM

    What is difference between Sanaa and Sana?I really want to know about it
    Its very important and I hope that you will agree to give me the answer

  2. on Wednesday 10th of May 2017 11:47:54 AM

    निताशा /Nitasha is an girl name from Hindi language, Indian languages .It is joining of नित + आशा Here नित means regular, continuous + आशा means hope. It is pronounced as Nitaashaa/ nitAshA

  3. on Wednesday 10th of May 2017 11:51:04 AM

    Sana/Sanaa सना means – always, perpetually, from of old. ( In Hindi and Sanskrit)

  4. on Sunday 11th of June 2017 11:54:56 AM

    What is the different between Sana and Shana? I hope you will give me the and of my question.

  5. on Thursday 16th of November 2017 11:31:05 AM

    sana lucky number and special day color also kya acha rhega life mai unki husbans ka fast letter favriut food

  6. on Friday 9th of February 2018 02:29:22 AM

    sana rules!!! it means praise brilliance and glory. along with a bunch of other beautiful meanings. sana is a pretty name and everyone loves it!

  7. on Friday 9th of February 2018 02:30:46 AM


  8. on Friday 9th of February 2018 02:32:01 AM


  9. on Friday 24th of August 2018 02:10:03 PM

    Can you write in Urdu language Sana meaning?I already see it’s meaning but don’t understand it’s meaning properly can you help me?

  10. on Saturday 8th of December 2018 10:45:30 AM

    It is also the name of the first part of Salah. (That is spelt Sana)

  11. on Saturday 7th of September 2024 07:31:10 AM

    Very nice
    What is sana’s faviourite colour and lucky number

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With S | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With S | Islamic Names Meaning Light and Radiance | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Names Directly Mentioned in the Quran | Quranic Names By Meaning | S-N-A
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