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What is the islamic meaning of boy name “meesam”, n girl names “Parishey, aroushey and anoushey”?
Do you know the origins of these names?
Are there any Islamic historical personality related to these names?
Are these names good for Muslims kids?

This is a question asked by a reader like yourself. If there is no reply from our staff, it is because we could not find a satisfactory answer for the question. If you have any information that may help with this question, please share it below.

Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 8th of February 2016 10:05:43 PM

    The Name Parishey It is 3 syllables long and is pronounced ‘perrr–e–sh–eyyy’.
    The name Parishey or slight variations of Parishey are seen in the origins Arabic

    Meanings and Origins of the Name Parishey.

    Arabic Meanings of Parishey (Female)- Like fairy

  2. on Tuesday 29th of August 2017 08:29:04 PM

    Meesam Tummar ra. Suhabi of Hazrat Ali As. he was hanged by Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad in kufa

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