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Assalamu alayekum, We are going to have a baby soon and we are thinking of banking the cord blood and cells of the baby after the delivery. Plz advise whether this falls under Islamic precincts and allowed as halaal in Islam. Masud amin and tarannum farheen


This is an official answer by Staff

Cord blood banking is permissible in Islam if no Islamic rules are broken when acquiring the blood (thus aborting a fetus for the sake of acquiring cord blood is not permissible, while taking cord blood after delivery is permissible), according to a fatwa on the conservative Saudi website IslamWeb (Arabic), a fatwa by the Awqaf (Islamic Affairs) ministry of the United Arab Emirates  (Arabic), a fatwa by the Jordanian Supreme Court scholar Dr. Wasif Abdulwahhab al-Bakri (the link takes you to an automatic English translation of the Arabic document, it contains many other details and recommendations about cord blood banking that you may find useful), and a ruling by the International Fiqh Academy Conference of 1990 (mentioned in this Arabic blog post).

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