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what is the meaning of name Erum?


This is an official answer by Staff

Erum, Eram or Iram [pronounced as (I)slam + (RU)n + (M)ake] according to some Islamic sources is the grandfather of the founder of the Aad nation, the nation of Prophet Hud, whose story of destruction is mentioned in the Quran. The name itself is used in Quran 89:7-8: "Iram, which had great pillars. Like of which were never built in any country." Iram is said to be son of Sam,  son of Prophet Noah.

Some sources say it is the name of the garden or city that Shaddad son of Aad (from the Aad tribe mentioned above) built to make it a "paradise" on earth. The story says that once the garden was finished he tried to enter it but he fell and died, as a punishment from Allah for his arrogance and trying to compete with Allah.

Eram is also a girl mentioned in Shahnameh. It is also a Farsi word meaning landmark in the desert, an object in a desert, such as a large rock, that helps people determine where they are.

Eram/Iram is also the name of many places in Iran.

You can use this name if you like it, though some scholars do not like it due to its relationship with an evil and destroyed nation. But you can use it and by it mean the Farsi name not the Quranic name, and this way it will have a neutral meaning.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 9th of May 2014 01:48:40 PM

    I think this name isn’t a good, nor suitable name for a Muslim to have as it will always be known as the name of the garden/city Allah destroyed.

  2. on Thursday 21st of May 2015 01:03:22 AM

    Like its mentioned sister if we keep the name in refrence to the farsi name meaning landmark its more advisable.
    My Name is Eram.

  3. on Sunday 18th of October 2015 09:52:06 AM

    my name is iram tell me should i change my name? guide me guys……if this name is not suitable then tell me

  4. on Sunday 18th of October 2015 09:52:55 AM

    …..share ur ideas with me…
    my name is iram tell me should i change my name? guide me guys……if this name is not suitable then tell me

  5. on Wednesday 23rd of December 2015 06:46:55 AM

    My name is eram afreen. Should i change my name…? Plzz help me guys

  6. on Friday 22nd of April 2016 03:36:53 PM

    My name is ERAM FIRDOUSE is name is really not gud???

  7. on Sunday 28th of August 2016 04:36:31 AM

    i can not understand the meaning of iram.plz explain me clearly

  8. on Tuesday 13th of September 2016 11:58:41 AM

    My name is Eyrum and in Urdu (Pakistan) it means the Arabic word for Jannah, heaven or paradise. There are Arum flowers as well. Also, many people ask me if my name is Celtic, Welsh or Gaelic. One word can have many different meanings depending on where the word comes from.

  9. on Tuesday 13th of September 2016 11:59:40 AM

    I should add my spelling, Eyrum, is usually spelt Erum.

  10. on Saturday 1st of October 2016 04:53:57 PM

    My name is eram & I like my name & it’s meaning is also good so plz no one change ur name it is really nice name

  11. on Monday 24th of October 2016 03:40:51 AM

    My name is Irum and I asked Mufti Akmal Madani that if I need to change but he said there is no need to change the name. So what is the need to change it then?

  12. on Saturday 15th of July 2017 03:12:43 PM

    According to my knowledge, shaddad’s paradise name was ‘um’, not Erum.
    But yeah it’s the ancestor’s name of Aad nation. I also read somewhere that Erum is a garden in 7th heaven, jannat ul firdous

  13. on Sunday 6th of August 2017 12:44:08 PM

    my name is grandma keeped my name.really eram is the best name dont think to change it.

  14. on Sunday 6th of August 2017 12:45:21 PM

    my name is .really eram is the best name dont think to change it.

  15. on Sunday 6th of August 2017 12:50:27 PM

    ERAM is a preety name in islam.
    my name is eram my frnd call me eru..
    they say ur name is so loving.
    we just want to here it again & again.

  16. on Tuesday 29th of August 2017 09:17:05 AM

    I hav plan to keep dis name to my daughter is tis fine?

  17. on Thursday 12th of October 2017 06:36:35 AM

    My name is Iram. Alhamdolillah its a beautiful name. *Blessed* Alhamdolillah and Masha change it ?

  18. on Thursday 22nd of March 2018 05:58:15 AM

    Basically meaning of Eram in arabic is “Garden of Heaven”.Later Shaddad built a heaven and named it “Eram” which Allah its concluded that Eram is not a bad name.There is one ayat in Quran para 30.Mentioned “Irama’ Dhatil Imad”

  19. on Sunday 10th of June 2018 05:58:03 PM

    Iam also Eram and iam proud to be so its a nice name i luv it

  20. on Wednesday 19th of September 2018 01:39:48 PM

    Evn I kept my daughtr name as Eram Naaz do its a good name n cn we keep ths I made birth certificate tell

  21. on Saturday 2nd of November 2019 03:57:07 PM

    My son his name is iram I want help from you to not change his name plz

  22. on Thursday 2nd of January 2020 01:21:35 PM

    Hyy my name is Iramnaaz. Should I change my name ?
    It’s good. Plzz tell me. I want to know that what is the meaning of iramnaaz in Quran?

  23. on Sunday 27th of March 2022 04:27:31 AM

    My name is Nina
    Is this a bad name in Islam
    Please advise which it is Islamic arm even
    Or should I change it

  24. on Wednesday 4th of September 2024 02:20:40 PM

    The name erum means garden in jannah. ‘er-um’. Using logic i think the words came first. To build a garden one must use the word ‘garden’ prior to building. The name erum does not originate from one specific garden.

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