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What is the meaning of Khalid?

This is a question asked by a reader like yourself. If there is no reply from our staff, it is because we could not find a satisfactory answer for the question. If you have any information that may help with this question, please share it below.

Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 12th of January 2017 02:25:31 PM

    khalid ka hindi meaningjgmamdamdj.wamg.dtjdaxtmwjpttw.twda wb a.twjg.jtg.wt

  2. on Wednesday 21st of June 2017 08:54:15 AM

    not helpful. khalid is not meaning that and is not hinid please fix your meaning because this will be reported to the police

  3. on Saturday 23rd of December 2017 09:23:04 AM

    Khalid was the name of the Prophet’s friend//companion who was known for his military skills.

  4. on Saturday 24th of August 2019 10:17:27 AM

    Khalid meaning immortal, ever-living, never dying. It is a name from pre-Islamic times and is not Islamic at all, because the only ever-living being is God. It has survived post the introduction of Islam because of Khalid bin Alwaleed, a close companion of the prophet and a great military leader.

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