How to pronounce Tasneem | TUSk + NEEd + Moon Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Arabic Spelling (How to write Tasneem in Arabic) | تَسْنِيْم |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Directly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Tasneem | Tusneeim Tusneeme Tusneemm Tusneemme Tusneeym Tusneim Tusneime Tusneimm Tusneimme Tusnem Tusneme Tusnemm Tusnemme Tusneym All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | S-N-M |
Meaning of Tasneem
Name of a fountain in Paradise. The name’s literal meaning is “water that falls down from a high place”, such as water that falls down from a waterfall.
Reader Comments:
on Tuesday 6th of May 2014 03:32:57 AM
I believe that the name Tasneem is DIRECTLY mentioned in the Quran, in a description of Paradise
on Tuesday 6th of May 2014 04:12:05 AM
Thanks for the comment. We have corrected the entry.
on Thursday 19th of March 2015 05:32:36 PM
yeah its directly mentioned in the quran in surah al mutaffifin have u read it before?i have read it a beautiful surah
on Saturday 28th of March 2015 09:11:07 PM
Awww my name is tasneem, i didnt used to love it but now i do
on Wednesday 22nd of April 2015 09:15:48 PM
I have named my daughter Tasneema. It is written in a name book the meaning is a spring or fountain in paradise
on Thursday 18th of June 2015 02:48:34 AM
My name is Tasneem too. I heard something about it meaning a fragrance too, is that true?
on Wednesday 24th of June 2015 03:28:42 PM
I am happy with my name TASNEEM
It’s actual meaning is a river that flows in jannah
on Wednesday 24th of June 2015 03:31:03 PM
I love my name TASNEEM
It’s actual meaning is a river that flows in heaven (Jannah)
on Sunday 28th of June 2015 02:57:46 PM
I love that my name is tasneem I always knew that my name is special
on Thursday 16th of July 2015 05:42:33 AM
hhhhhhh I am sorry but u seem cute unlike my three cousins. their names are the same tasneem and they are a mess but sometimes they do look like a fountain in paradise my name is Hannah and I am 16 years old so like tasneem my cousin she is mean but she is like a wall who protect me when I am in danger that why I love her . I hope you have some body who do as well
on Thursday 16th of July 2015 05:52:13 AM
Hhhhhhh I am sorry but u seem cute unlike my three cousins. their names are Tasneem and they are a mess my name is Hannah and I am 16 years old and so the tasneem number one in the family she is like a second mother to me and like a monster to all who hate me in class she is like a wall that keep me a way from harm that’s why I love her
on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 03:20:34 PM
TASNEEM – As HOLY QUR’AAN suggests – IT IS A CANAL IN PARADISE containing GOOD LIQOUR if I not mistaken.
on Wednesday 8th of June 2016 11:07:08 AM
If i could i would name my daughter tasneem too…I love my name sooo much…TASNEEM..
on Tuesday 12th of July 2016 06:15:09 PM
Yup it is mentioned in the Quran in surah
I haved read it
on Tuesday 12th of July 2016 06:18:06 PM
N ma name is tasneem too before I dnt lyk to used ma name as tasneem but now I do
on Friday 22nd of July 2016 03:44:54 AM
My name is Tasneem, I love my name, but everyone says it like Tazz-neem and it bothers me! It’s pronounced Tess-neem! I want to change the spelling.
on Thursday 29th of September 2016 07:33:22 PM
I also have a cousin called tasneem.she is just 4 yrs old. She is kind of bossy sometimes but i do love her alot
on Friday 17th of February 2017 08:57:15 AM
My sister’s name is tasneem and I have also read the meaning in Holy Quran
on Friday 24th of February 2017 07:04:05 PM
what does it actually means
the fountain is named as TASNEEM
i know that,
but it must have some meaning
that why the fountain has been as same..
on Sunday 4th of June 2017 09:02:55 PM
Write your comment here…my daughter name is tasneem, it means fountain of paradise I love the name
on Tuesday 19th of September 2017 04:55:35 PM
Alhamdulillah i like my beautiful name my DADi gives me Tassneem
on Sunday 4th of March 2018 12:35:15 AM
my name is tasnim and i love it and i feel happy hearing it and i will always pray for everyone and everything
on Sunday 18th of March 2018 08:41:08 PM
A Syrian woman told me that the name Tasnim refers to a gentle, yet strong steady and balanced breeze or wind that blows in Paradise. Can anyone substantiate that definition?
on Wednesday 25th of July 2018 06:33:48 PM
Hi l love tasneem he is my love so I love that name
on Tuesday 28th of August 2018 12:09:33 PM
My sister is called Tasneem but spelt tasnim
There is a boy in my class called tasnim
Is it a boy or a girls name
on Monday 24th of September 2018 07:06:15 PM
My name is tasnime and I love it my twin sister is called Tamima
on Tuesday 14th of May 2019 05:51:21 PM
My name is Tasnime pronounced tasneem and I love it so much. I think it’s one of the best names in the world. Alhamdolilah
on Wednesday 29th of May 2019 02:05:20 PM
My name is thasneem too!
I’ve never really liked the name.. Until now!
I love it
on Tuesday 14th of January 2020 08:19:38 PM
Is the meaning of Tasnim is same? Is it arabic name? If someone know pls mention…
on Tuesday 14th of January 2020 08:20:09 PM
Is the meaning of Tasnim is same? Is it arabic name? If someone know please share it..
on Tuesday 14th of January 2020 08:23:09 PM
Thanks ..Is the meaning of Tasnim is same? Is it arabic name? If someone know please share it..
on Wednesday 9th of December 2020 12:30:17 AM
it is an a good and my name is also Tasneem in the day I was born in
on Wednesday 9th of December 2020 12:35:48 AM
it is a good day. And I like my name very much and it is very good .And this name is in gods home. In there there a important.
on Wednesday 9th of December 2020 12:40:15 AM
I likkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkke my name very much
on Wednesday 9th of December 2020 12:45:38 AM
my name is in { Janah } it is alot of fun h…mmmmmmmm is it a real fact or no.
on Saturday 26th of December 2020 09:17:00 PM
My name’s Tasneem and reading this makes my name feel special. I also used to be like ‘ughhhhh, my name is weird’ but reading this make me like really proud. I’m proud to be called Tasneem.
on Saturday 26th of December 2020 09:19:40 PM
I think that Tasnim means the same thing. Paradise fountain is the meaning of tasnim. Same thing right?
on Monday 24th of May 2021 08:32:03 PM
Tasnim is the same as Tasneem. Its just a different way to spell the same name.
on Monday 24th of May 2021 08:35:26 PM
I also wanted to reply to the messaging that suggested its a river of liquor. The quranic verse does not indicate whether it is water or what exactly. But it is something the moukaraboun (those near to God) will drink from.