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What is the meaning of Sahra?


This is an official answer by Staff

Sahra is another spelling of the girl name Sahrah. They are the same name and have the same meaning and pronunciation. Both spellings are acceptable. For more details on this name and its pronunciation see: Sahrah

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 22nd of May 2018 02:24:30 AM

    Sahra isn´t the most tolerant of characters (especially with her loved ones), although she tries her best to be open and conciliatory. She is generous and possesses a profound sense of friendship so she is always there when you need her, and willing to help if she can. As a little girl she is amiable and responsible, albeit a little timorous and insecure. She isn´t necessarily all that into dolls and playing house, and could even be a bit of a “tomboy”. Because she is anxious to please and be loved, she will make a lot of effort to maintain a harmonious relationship with her parents. She loathes conflict and aggression because her natural inclination is to love and serenity. She is actually much more sensitive and emotional than she seems to be, and her abrupt attitude often conceals great tenderness.

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