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A Non-Quranic Name for Girls

Alternate spellings of Maya Maaea Maaeaa Maaia Maaiaa Maaya Maea Maeaa Maia Maiaa Maya Mayaa
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Maya

Maya (مايا) is an Avestan (an ancient Persian language) name that means “graciousness”, “gracious nature”. Since this is a good meaning, Muslims can use it.

Maya can also be the name of a Roman goddess. This meaning is unacceptable in Islam because it is a pagan name. For this reason if you use the name Maya, you should use it for the Avestan meaning, not the Roman meaning.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 22nd of December 2015 03:23:25 PM

    my name is Maya! I love this name after knowing what it means I wish that I could name my daughter as my name

  2. on Tuesday 22nd of December 2015 03:26:09 PM

    The name Maya is so nice see this وهذه معاني الاسم مايا: اسم مايا إلهة الربيع عند الرومان، وهي زوجة البركان. ومايا: اسم شعب من الهنود الحمر في أمريكا الوسطى، ولا سيما المكسيك. في الهند معناه: الغموض. في العبرية: الربيع. في الفارسية القديمة معناه: الشهامة، والقوة. وفي اليونانية معناه الأم. و وليس له معنى واحد فقط.

  3. on Tuesday 22nd of December 2015 03:30:39 PM

    all these comments are from me Maya thank you for reading them and hope you changed your minde about he meaning of it

  4. on Sunday 6th of August 2017 12:25:27 PM

    So nice name very happy to name my New born baby girl MAYA that’s my princess

  5. on Thursday 9th of August 2018 09:17:52 AM

    My little sister is called mya I love the meaning
    I’m called Eva do you know the meaning of Eva
    My older sister is called Eleeza and my brothers are called esa and yunus and Zach

  6. on Wednesday 5th of September 2018 04:36:46 PM

    My name is Ava my sister is Called Mia
    My brother is called Aidan and Jacob and Harry

  7. on Saturday 29th of September 2018 09:46:22 AM

    Welcome to the world little princess
    It suits you well
    Mama loves ya babe

  8. on Sunday 3rd of March 2019 07:57:46 AM

    I love my name after searching what MAYA means and my mom calles me pricess

  9. on Monday 6th of May 2019 01:53:09 AM

    Ideally best names r prophet’s family names for love of him (pbuh). Then a good name have a nice meaning .

  10. on Monday 20th of January 2020 02:36:38 AM

    Maya is Nice name but I have one ababy girl it s call her muna and I love it if I get anther baby girl I wll call her maya I love it thnx

  11. on Friday 26th of February 2021 12:47:30 AM

    Maya meaning in Islamic is Princess ♡
    This is a name that also can be used in a lot of different languages with different meanings.

  12. on Wednesday 31st of March 2021 12:53:19 PM

    Maya is the name of a goddess so I don’t understand how this name is allowed for Muslims?

  13. on Saturday 29th of May 2021 02:39:10 PM

    Muslims do not believe in Goddess (not applicable)

  14. on Tuesday 14th of September 2021 02:36:12 PM

    My name is maya , i love my name , but after reading his meaning , i love it more than before

  15. on Saturday 7th of May 2022 12:44:20 PM

    assallamu alaikum! My name is maya!

  16. on Saturday 7th of September 2024 11:08:37 AM

    Maya is not a name of a goddess but Maïa is you should make difference

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