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A Quranic Name for Girls

Short meaning of Maira
See below for detailed meaning
How to pronounce Maira

sMArt + Islam + RUn

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Maira in Arabic)مائرة
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of MairaMaaira Ma'irah Mairah Mayra Mayrah Mayira Mayera Maayira Maaera Maire Maira Maeire Maeira Maere Maera
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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Meaning of Maira

Maira is an indirect Quranic name for girls that has two meanings from two different roots, both of which are mentioned in the Quran. The first meaning comes from the M-W-R root and means “light”, “swift”, “fast-moving”, “penetrating” (an arrow or bullet that’s able to penetrate an object). It is used in the Quran in 52:9:

On the day when the heavens will swiftly fly

It can also be derived from the M-Y-R root, the meaning in this way would become “bringer of food”, “fetcher of food”, a girl or woman who goes to buy food and bring it to someone or a group of people, such as her family. This root is used in Surat Yusuf:

When they opened their packs, they discovered that their money had been returned to them. They said, ‘Our father, what more do we desire than this? This money of ours has been returned to us, so we shall [again] buy food for our family and we shall guard our brother, and we shall obtain an additional camel-load of grain. This [what we have brought now] is only a small quantity.’ (Quran 12:65)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 6th of November 2014 09:34:45 PM

    Is there anyway you can provide a detailed meaning for this name please? I am not sure how this particular word is being located in Surat Yusuf 12:65?

  2. on Thursday 6th of November 2014 11:24:05 PM

    @2: It is an indirect Quranic name, meaning that you cannot locate it directly in the Quran, you can only locate its root. Thus in Surat Yusuf the word is nameeru (“we will get food”) which is from the M-Y-R root, which Maira is also derived from, making Maira indirectly related to nameeru, thus making it an indirect Quranic name.

  3. on Tuesday 23rd of June 2015 02:50:22 PM

    What would Mairamu mean. If you could help me understand it would be nice. Jzk.

  4. on Saturday 1st of August 2015 10:18:17 PM

    Assalaamu alaikum, I am still wondering what would Mairamu mean. If you could help me understand it would be nice. Jzk.

  5. on Monday 24th of August 2015 07:21:12 AM

  6. on Monday 24th of August 2015 07:21:52 AM

  7. on Friday 18th of March 2016 09:44:37 AM

    Thanks for giving lmportant information 2 me its very useful for searching muslim girles names thanks once again

  8. on Friday 8th of April 2016 11:12:15 AM

    thanks for sharing. .

  9. on Saturday 16th of April 2016 11:24:54 PM

    Lies!!! Your soo called findings of this name being from the quoran is misleading.

  10. on Saturday 30th of July 2016 02:38:04 PM

    koi mujha Maira ka Nam ka. meni bata DA please advance thanks
    Tanvir sagar

  11. on Wednesday 9th of November 2016 07:00:36 AM

    but i thought that maira means helping other people are you wrong

  12. on Sunday 13th of November 2016 07:24:21 PM

    cool my name is a quranic name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. on Friday 17th of March 2017 03:55:39 PM

    Allah give me a daughter on Friday at 1.50 pm.
    I like this name (Maira). Is this good name for her ?

  14. on Friday 31st of March 2017 09:54:55 PM

    Is the name Myra & Maira contains the same meaning ?

  15. on Sunday 2nd of July 2017 10:24:28 PM

    What is the meaning of Naved
    I want to know what is the meaningof my name

  16. on Wednesday 23rd of August 2017 05:08:29 PM

    Can you please let me my girl baby born on 19/08/2017 time 8:46

  17. on Monday 9th of July 2018 11:53:23 AM

    Can you plz tel me How to write Maira in I confused how to write maira in Hindi.. ( I or Y)

  18. on Thursday 9th of August 2018 09:22:50 AM

    Thank you for sharing
    My daughter will be called Myra
    Her sisters are Called Eva, mya and her brothers are zain, esa and Zach
    Was wondering what’s the meaning of Jenna
    Can I name my daughter Jenna

  19. on Wednesday 5th of September 2018 04:35:43 PM

    This is my best friends name but spelt Myra
    Her brother is mya

  20. on Tuesday 18th of September 2018 08:01:14 PM

    Thank you for sharing my twins will be Maria and Myra

  21. on Monday 24th of September 2018 07:07:24 PM

    Thank you for sharing but I’m worried my daughter will be called Mayra not Myra
    Can I use the spelling Myra instead or does that mess up the meaning

  22. on Tuesday 29th of January 2019 11:39:54 AM

    Assalam Alaikum,
    I like this name “Maira” and iam willing to put this name to my daughter so could you please let me know the exact meaning of the name “Maira” as because Iam really got confused about its meaning, i have searched in some websites and i have got its weird meaning as “bitter” but in very few websites i have got its good meaning such as “moon light”, “Fast penetrating light” and iam not getting which meaning should i take.

    Any help is appreciated.

  23. on Monday 25th of March 2019 06:27:06 AM

    Very useful article.

  24. on Monday 25th of March 2019 06:28:38 AM

    Thanks sharing.

    Urdu Poetry

  25. on Monday 25th of March 2019 06:30:03 AM

    Thank you for sharing but I’m worried my daughter will be called Mayra not Myra

  26. on Wednesday 24th of June 2020 05:17:01 AM

    Very Nice and informative Article From You For Us. For More Jobs Updates

  27. on Wednesday 24th of June 2020 05:18:32 AM

    thanks for sharing.

  28. on Saturday 27th of June 2020 12:18:25 PM

    anyone please tell me meaning of anabeeb

  29. on Wednesday 16th of February 2022 06:30:02 PM

    best article about the meaning

  30. on Wednesday 16th of February 2022 06:30:45 PM

  31. on Wednesday 16th of February 2022 06:32:47 PM

    good article

  32. on Wednesday 16th of February 2022 06:37:19 PM

    best article regarding the name post more article

  33. on Friday 25th of March 2022 05:42:21 PM

    Aoa I want to share that in Urdu maira means kabil e tariff and achay Kam karnay wali

  34. on Friday 24th of March 2023 11:11:35 AM

    all famous naat names can be found at

  35. on Friday 24th of March 2023 11:13:18 AM

    Naat Khawan Name name list is available here, also listen and odwnload latest naats.

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  37. on Thursday 22nd of June 2023 08:03:46 AM

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  38. on Friday 29th of November 2024 10:24:05 AM

    Hello I’m wondering if there any name in the quran that’s related to something like Mya or mia

  39. on Wednesday 12th of March 2025 07:55:44 AM

    This is such a beautiful explanation of the name Maira! I love how it combines meanings like light, speed, and strength—all rooted in the Quran. It’s always amazing to see how names carry such deep spiritual value.
    If you’re interested in exploring more about Quranic words and meanings, especially Surah Yaseen, I found this site really helpful: – it has clear insights and is a great resource for learning.

  40. on Wednesday 12th of March 2025 07:56:40 AM

    This is such a beautiful explanation of the name Maira! I love how it combines meanings like light, speed, and strength—all rooted in the Quran. It’s always amazing to see how names carry such deep spiritual value.
    If you’re interested in exploring more about Quranic words and meanings, especially Surah Yaseen, I found this site really helpful: – it has clear insights and is a great resource for learning.

  41. on Wednesday 12th of March 2025 07:57:17 AM

    Surah Yaseen Read Online – Download PDF

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Muslim Names With Meanings Similar to Maira

Categories: All Baby Names Starting With M | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With M | M-W-R | M-Y-R | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Quranic Names By Meaning | Quranic Names by Root
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