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AssalamuAlaikum, I am thinking of naming my daughter Naeema or Naeemah Ali. Is this a name from the quran? Also can you please kindly confirm what the right way to spell it? My name is Mohammed Ali and my wife name is Fahima Begum. I also want to keep middle name for my daughter Jannah or Firdaus but cannot decide. … Please elaborate in detail about the right spellings and the meaning.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 14th of November 2015 03:07:50 PM

    The staff have written about this beautiful name. Check this if you are still contemplating. //

    To answer your question, it is in the Holy Quran and Allah has said, “And had the people of the Book believed and feared, We would surely have expiated from them their misdeeds and would surely have made them enter the Garden of Bliss. (Quran 5:65).

    Jannat-ul-Naeem is one of the upper parts of Jannah and Naeema means “in a state of bliss”, “happy”, “not worried”, “blessed”. Naeema or Naeemah is a permissible spelling to use.

    Firdaus is highest and most virtuous part of Paradise.

  2. on Saturday 14th of November 2015 03:09:41 PM

    The staff have written about this beautiful name. Check this if you are still contemplating. //

    To answer your question, it is in the Holy Quran and Allah has said, “And had the people of the Book believed and feared, We would surely have expiated from them their misdeeds and would surely have made them enter the Garden of Bliss. (Quran 5:65).

    Jannat-ul-Naeem is one of the upper parts of Jannah and Naeema means “in a state of bliss”, “happy”, “not worried”, “blessed”. Naeema or Naeemah is a permissible spelling to use.

    Firdaus is highest and most virtuous part of Paradise. It is a lovely name. Naeema Firdaus Ali has a nice ring to it so go for it! I hope I’m not too late.

    May Allah bless you with a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Ameen.

  3. on Sunday 14th of March 2021 07:53:46 PM

    Unfortunately you were over 2 years late.
    Please next time try to reply within acceptable time scale.

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