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A Quranic Name for Boys and Girls

Short meaning of HananKind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted
See below for detailed meaning
How to pronounce Hanan

HUmble + Name + smArt + Name

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Hanan in Arabic)حَنان
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of HananHanaan
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from H6-N-N:

Meaning of Hanan

Hanan is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “compassion”, “sympathy”, “love”. It is derived from the H6-N-N root which is used in Surat Maryan:

[And when the son was born and grew up, he was told,] “O John! Hold fast unto the divine Scripture with [all thy] strength!” – for We granted him wisdom while he was yet a little boy, as well as, by Our grace, [the gift of] compassion and purity; and he was [always] conscious of Us. (Quran 19:12-13)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 17th of February 2016 04:35:03 AM

    Is muhammad hannan name correct or it must b abdul hannan?

  2. on Saturday 26th of March 2016 11:19:13 PM

    Hanan is not a quranic name, it is an Arabic name. There is a difference. It is just an Arabic word, anyone of any religion such as Christians in the middle east are called Hanna.

  3. on Monday 4th of April 2016 10:33:33 AM

    Can I call my twin girl one hanan’s allowed in Islam.other baby is boy.

  4. on Thursday 9th of June 2016 07:46:12 PM

    Mohamad Hanaan name is muslim boy name correct or not

  5. on Saturday 10th of June 2017 10:33:06 AM

    It’s not Hannan – the correct way is to say – Hanan

  6. on Sunday 15th of October 2017 05:54:24 AM

    can i use hanania for a girl name? what it means in direct islamic name?

  7. on Friday 23rd of February 2018 02:38:57 AM

    My name is hanan but I’m a girl does those name to an girl child is suitable?

  8. on Friday 20th of April 2018 12:18:29 PM

    My name is Hanan and I want to say that Hannan and Hanan is a correct way to pronounce. It is just the spelling that is different to you concern.

  9. on Saturday 21st of July 2018 12:59:08 PM

    Can you tell how to qrite because in our region we write abdul hannan

  10. on Sunday 19th of August 2018 05:32:15 AM

    Can I use Hanan Muhammed for boy name ?

  11. on Saturday 29th of December 2018 03:51:04 AM

    @Comment No. 2
    Actually, it is a Quranic name, meaning the definition and word has been outlined in its text. The Quran formed the basis of the language’s eloquence that the non-Muslims have adopted the terms used from it too. However, that being said, over 95% of Arabs are Muslim.

  12. on Saturday 18th of May 2019 04:10:28 AM

    Is shayaan Meer Quranic name. I put it to my third child. Is it ok

  13. on Monday 27th of May 2019 08:59:17 AM

    I gave my first born the name hanan. Am i correct?

  14. on Monday 27th of May 2019 09:02:31 AM

    I gave my girl first born the name hanan. Am i correct

  15. on Thursday 12th of September 2019 11:12:31 PM

    My name is Haneen but everyone ( normally those from the north african countries) calls me Hanan instead, it annoys me extremely. Is the word Hanan more significant than Haneen in Arabic? Is there any difference between the two?

  16. on Wednesday 20th of November 2019 05:56:04 AM

    My son’s name is Tahnan Zayd. Is it a correct name? If it is a correct name, what is the meaning of it?

  17. on Sunday 16th of August 2020 09:27:28 PM

    Hannan is a beautiful name subahanallah! It sounds so strong and masculine! The meaning is adorable!
    It’s the middle name of my little prince x

  18. on Friday 21st of August 2020 08:43:20 PM

    The name Hanan is always mispronounced so I think Hannaan or Hanaan is better.
    I plan to call my lil bubba Hanaan and inshallah she will be my last baby.
    Hanaan Isma Jamal

  19. on Thursday 25th of February 2021 07:25:45 AM

    me reading my name meaning oh Allah what a gorgeous name I am having

  20. on Monday 3rd of May 2021 05:43:28 PM

    My name is abdul hanan and i am a boy does it correct

  21. on Sunday 6th of June 2021 05:55:28 PM

    Masha’Allah Hanan what a dignified name indeeed may peace and blessings be bestowed on every Hanan that’s alive and the ones who already descended to Allah and also the ones to come hint hint insha’Allah…hamza Abdullah is the name of my first born son and Hanan will be our daughters of surely Allah is with the believers

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With H | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | H6-N-N | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With H | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With H | Islamic Names Meaning Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Names Directly Mentioned in the Quran | Quranic Names By Meaning | Quranic Names by Root
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