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A Non-Quranic Name for Boys and Girls

How to pronounce Farzin

FUn + pRay + Zero + sEEN

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Original Spellingفرزين
How to write Farzin in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Farzin

Farzin is a Persian name for boys and girls that refers to the vizier piece in the game of shtranj (an ancestor of the game Chess). In English this piece is known as the queen. Vizier can be male or female and does not have a feminine connotation, therefore there is no issue in using the name of this piece for males (and females).

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 22nd of October 2015 12:22:30 PM

    Can I have Zahran Ali Waris as name for my new born baby?

  2. on Friday 19th of August 2016 06:13:35 PM

    I’m so glad to meet your website 🙂
    My name is “Farzin” and I want to say:
    The pronunciation of the first syllable is incorrect, it’s Correct form to pronounce is same to “fan” not like “fun”.

  3. on Friday 27th of October 2017 01:33:20 PM

    My name is farzin. Pronunciation of first syllable is wrong. It’s farzin not Fu

  4. on Wednesday 31st of January 2018 06:23:34 PM

    the beauty of the saddle and an adjective to describe the strength of warrior riding the horse in the saddle

  5. on Friday 20th of September 2019 07:15:20 PM

    My name is farzin it is pronounced far jee n so but thanks any ways extra characters: sssssssssssssdggghhh4hehehehehrhhehehehehheheyeyyrtrtreyeye66e6e6eyeueueusuueueue

  6. on Sunday 20th of October 2019 03:29:14 AM

    Any one can suggest me twin girl name the name should be in quranic meaning

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With F | All Muslim Baby Names | Muslim Boy Names not from the Quran | Muslim Girl Names not from the Quran | Non-Quranic Names | Persian (Farsi) Baby Names | Urdu (Desi / Indo-Pakistani) Baby Names
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