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A Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Faisal

Feel + prAY + SUn + baLL

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Faisal in Arabic)فَيْصَل
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of Faisal Faisale Faisall Faisalle Faisel Faisele Faisell Faiselle Faysal Faysale Faysall Faysalle Faysel Faysele Faysell
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from F-SAAD-L:

Meaning of Faisal

Faisal is an indirect Quranic name that means “decisive ruler”, a person who makes the final decision and whose opinion puts an end to all doubt. It also means “sharp sword”.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 13th of June 2017 02:24:03 PM

    فَيْصَل is a beautiful name and it also my own name and Walaahi I never experienced any problems nor hardship with my name.

    My name means that I am decisive ruler and this is astonishing as I always feel like I am a greater leader and I am not afraid of making decisions.

    Lastly, I would like to thank my father for naming me this name. May Allah bless him and may He bless every single one of us! Amiin.

  2. on Friday 21st of December 2018 01:51:01 AM

    I named my son faisal but some say it means stubborn and I can see stubbornness in him…allah knows the best

  3. on Friday 25th of January 2019 04:35:32 PM

    My Name is also Faisal thank almighty Allah swt there is stubbornness in that name But only when we see anything bad happens around us because we are natural born leaders

  4. on Friday 26th of July 2019 06:08:22 AM

    I was also named Faisal, and I am proud of my name and also my father too for naming me Faisal, and no any sign of stubbornness with me, for those referring the name to as stubborn in meaning. Faisal is a great, nice and wonderful name, and my life is very smooth and successful presently and after insha Allah.

  5. on Thursday 29th of August 2019 12:31:49 AM

    My name is Faisal. Some people say Faisals are always stubborn but Alhamdulillah i am not. Everybody answering the name Faisal tend to be loved by everyone.

  6. on Wednesday 4th of December 2019 04:08:23 PM

    Faisal have the meaning of Ahmed and mohammed. I birth day is rabi ul awal 26

  7. on Tuesday 25th of February 2020 07:59:56 AM

    Al-hamdulilha l thank Allah for awarding me with such a name

  8. on Wednesday 10th of June 2020 12:59:20 PM

    My husband name is Faisal and I have never see any stubbornness in him, I think he’s is the most simple and humble man in this earth.. soo Faisal are naturally born leaders and they make good and honest they are great

  9. on Friday 23rd of October 2020 11:49:04 PM

    I’m Faisal too, I knew myself to be very decisive even before discovering the meaning of “Faisal” hence I’ve always found myself being a leader in whatever organization I’m a participant of. Trust me I’ve never lost even a single debate before, I always stand, abide and defend my words confidently because I know very well that I author the best opinion. Yes I do make mistakes sometimes and also learn from it again. Put this in mind too I am not perfect.

  10. on Saturday 13th of February 2021 07:59:54 AM

    I named my daughter faishat yesterday 12th February, 2021 may the most mighty God Allah swt let the meaning her name show in her (“decisive ruler”)

  11. on Tuesday 21st of September 2021 09:16:17 PM

    My name is Faisal from Nigeria. The name ‘Faisal’ has nothing related to stubbornness but individual differences. We pray ALLAH s.w.t to grant all of us and our family good ethics and morals to live a life worthy of emulation around the world.

  12. on Sunday 15th of May 2022 08:27:21 AM

    I’m Faisal the poorest of all who has the same name as I am.. doesn’t have education,wealth no anything.. trying my best to find my way to go to Jerusalem to free children’s of Islam .
    In my country im judging upon Muslims, there is no sunni or shia only Muslims who follow Sunnah of our beloved prophet Muhammad [pbuh] and to worship Allah.. embrace love , kindness.. but when Im judging my Muslims brothers in my country.. ofcourse I’m slapping their face..sometime I beat em half to death till they realized death is waiting and Allah is preparing your judgement for you from the other side.

    Take note: fear yourself to Allah ummah..
    Help me unite followers of Muhammad, followers of Isa and followers of bring DISTRUCTION upon the land of Israel.. till nothing left to spare to israeli

  13. on Sunday 11th of June 2023 03:59:48 AM

    Faisal means solution… there are always find a solution..

  14. on Saturday 10th of February 2024 02:06:41 PM


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Gender Male
    Word/name Arabic
    Meaning the arbitrator or separator between good and evil [actions of people in the religious context]
    Region of origin Arabian Peninsula
    Other names
    Alternative spelling Faisel , Faysal, Fayçal, Foysal
    Faisal, Faisel, Fayçal or Faysal (Arabic: فيصل) is an Arabic given name. Faisal, Fayçal or Faysal may also refer to:

    King Faisal (disambiguation)
    Faisal I of Iraq and Syria (1885–1933), leader during the Arab Revolt
    Faisal II of Iraq (1935–1958), last King of the Kingdom of Iraq
    Faisal of Saudi Arabia (1906–1975), third King of Saudi Arabia
    Faisal Al-Fayez (born 1952), Jordanian Prime Minister.
    Faisal al-Duwaish (1882–1931), Arabian tribe sheik
    Faisal Amin Abu-Rass, Yemeni diplomat
    Faisal Buressli (born 1961), Kuwaiti basketball player and coach
    Faisal Karami (born 1971), Lebanese politician
    Faisal bin Abdullah Al Saud (born 1950), Saudi royal
    Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud (born 1945), Saudi government official
    Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud, Saudi royal and businessman
    Faisal bin Khalid Al Saud (born 1973), Saudi government official
    Faisal bin Mishaal Al Saud (born 1959), Saudi government official
    Faisal bin Musaid Al Saud, Saudi royal
    Faisal bin Sattam Al Saud (born 1970), Saudi ambassador to Italy
    Faisal bin Turki Al Saud, Saudi royal
    Faisal bin Turki I Al Saud (1920–1968), Saudi royal
    Faisal Saeed Al Mutar (1991–Present), Iraqi Human Rights Activist
    Faisal bin Turki Al Saud (1785–1865), Emir of Nejd
    Faisal Cantonment, a cantonment town in Karachi, Pakistan
    Faisal Colony, a neighbourhood of New Karachi Town in Karachi, Pakistan.
    Faisal Equestrian Club, an equestrian club and restaurant in Gaza
    Faisal Town, a residential area of Lahore
    King Faisal Mosque (disambiguation)
    Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan
    King Faisal Mosque, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
    Other uses
    Faisal (film), a 2017 Indian film retitled Rubaai
    Faysal Bank, a bank based in Pakistan
    See also
    Faisalabad, a city in Punjab, Pakistan

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