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If I use an english spelling Anniyah or Anya.. the Quranic meaning will remain the same..right? Second, How do u pronounce the name Illiyeen?
This is an official answer by Staff
Yes, the spelling won't change the meaning. What's important is the meaning you intend. As an example, the name Judy is a Christian/Jewish name meaning someone from Judah, but it can also be a Quranic name referring to the mountain or location that Prophet Nuh's ship landed on.
Illiyeen is pronounced as: I(slam)+L+LEA(n)+YEA(ld)+N(ame). Other possible spellings are Eliyyeen, Elyinne, Elienne, Elyeanne, Elean, beginning the name with I could confuse people since with the L's it could look like the name starts with three L's.
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