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i like Sehrish name and i would like to give this name to my daughter, i checked on net i found meaning Sunrise but i would like to reconfirm meaning and i would like to know is it fine if i give this name to my daughter, kindly reply me urgently because my wife is 9 months pregnant now, kindly send me reply on

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 5th of August 2015 12:01:23 AM

    Yes its a beautifull name and its meanings belong to sunrise and influance personality … I love this name and if I am not wrong so this is worlds beautifull name .

  2. on Sunday 16th of August 2015 06:21:05 PM

    Hi Sehrish is from sehr which means jadoo however sahr means sunrise. There is slight difference between sahrish and Sehrish . the earlier means sunrise the later means sahr krny wali. This is according to my information please also check from some xpert.

  3. on Monday 24th of August 2015 05:47:39 PM

    What does word sehrish means?and what is difference between sehrish and seher

  4. on Sunday 13th of November 2016 10:58:44 AM

    it has many meanings,i.e sunrise, sunshine, attractive, amazing etc

  5. on Monday 5th of June 2017 04:56:38 AM

    I would like to ask the same question: what Sehrish means? What is the root word? If is there any reference from Quran plz mention. Jazakallah Khairan.

  6. on Friday 1st of December 2017 12:18:19 PM

    I m sehrish this name means sunrise ,attractive personality

  7. on Wednesday 9th of May 2018 11:36:09 AM

    hy my name is sehrish this is a beautiful name having beautiful meaning sunrise.

  8. on Monday 4th of November 2019 09:51:50 PM

    it means sunrise and is a beaut name xxx one of a kind

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