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A Quranic Name for Girls

How to pronounce Arwaa

Up + Run + WAnt

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Arwaa in Arabic)أَرْوَى
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of ArwaaArwa Erwaa Erwa Arua Aruaa Aroa Aroaa Erua Eruaa Erva Ervaa Erwa Erwaa Arua Aruaa
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from R-W-Y:

Meaning of Arwaa

Arwa is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “female ibex” (the type of animal pictured here) and has meanings of “softness”, “lightness”, “agility”, “liveliness”, “beauty”. Arwa is the name of one of the aunts of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, whose full name is Arwa bint Abdulmutallib bint Hashim, and who became Muslim after her brother Hamzah (uncle of Prophet Muhammad) converted to Islam and thus is a Sahabiyyah (female companion of the Prophet). Arwa is derived from the R-W-Y root which is a Quranic root.

We have destroyed so many generations before them, who surpassed them in material power and splendor. (19:74)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 8th of October 2015 01:08:53 PM


  2. on Saturday 9th of April 2016 06:52:10 AM

    i,have sweet daughter arwa fatima ,nicc muslim name

  3. on Wednesday 29th of June 2016 07:19:26 PM

    Very beautiful information about name “Arwa”..Thank you soO much..Great job..Allah bless you.. 🙂

  4. on Wednesday 7th of December 2016 10:57:15 AM

    Thankyou for this information my daughter name arwa is very beautiful

  5. on Wednesday 21st of June 2017 12:45:51 PM

    Thanx my sister name is arwa so beautiful thanx so march god bless you

  6. on Monday 12th of February 2018 04:31:13 AM

    Thnx to tell the meaning of Arwa mu daughter name is Arwa she is soooo cute mashallah Allah Pak naseeb acha kre Ameeen

  7. on Tuesday 12th of June 2018 12:08:00 AM

    wow my name is arwa mahsallah even though i dont think im one of those things or traits you said…..

  8. on Monday 20th of August 2018 03:06:29 PM

    My name is arwa saffanah abdul mutelib… Alhamdulillah it have good meaning

  9. on Tuesday 21st of August 2018 08:52:14 AM

    My daughter born on Auguest 17, 2018, and her name is Arwa Rizwan

  10. on Monday 17th of September 2018 05:23:24 PM

    Thank you for giving the imformation my name is also arwa

  11. on Wednesday 3rd of October 2018 01:28:01 PM

    Thanks for sending detail meaning of my grand daughter Farwaa Ghaffar. She born on 29th of September 2018.

  12. on Tuesday 25th of May 2021 01:35:05 PM

    🙂 Thanks for telling me the meaning behind my name!

  13. on Thursday 23rd of March 2023 10:33:30 PM

    In some other websites Arwa means a female goat.

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With A | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With A | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Quranic Names by Root | R-W-Y | Sahabiyyah Names (Female Companions of the Prophet)
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