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What is the meaning of Fabeeha?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 20th of April 2015 11:46:51 AM

    what is the quranic meaning of fabiha?is it an arabic name or not??what is the origin of fabhia?kindly inform me in detail?

  2. on Wednesday 13th of May 2015 09:50:02 AM

    before crroing a road always make sure there is no trrafic coming your way.

  3. on Sunday 31st of May 2015 11:04:58 AM

    what is the quranic meaning of fabiha?is it an arabic name or not??what is the origin of fabhia?kindly inform me in detail
    The meaning is “Gifted”

  4. on Sunday 19th of July 2015 02:49:19 PM

    i dont know what does that mean because it smy name 😀

  5. on Saturday 3rd of October 2015 06:25:38 AM

    ps send meaning of fabiha sultana my daughter name

  6. on Saturday 26th of December 2015 10:52:17 AM

    Fabiha/Fabeeha means a “gift” or a “good deed”
    I am not sure of its origin but I am assuming it to be an Arabic name.

  7. on Sunday 11th of September 2016 05:18:05 AM

    please let us know the meaning of fabeeha and moreover our baby girl date of bi9rth is 23rd august,2016 at 1430 hrs

  8. on Wednesday 8th of February 2017 09:45:19 AM

    fabiya k quran m kya meaning plz tell me in detail or is k different spelling h kya meaning b change h

  9. on Wednesday 10th of May 2017 11:58:32 AM

    Fabiha is an Arabic name which means Gifted,Fortunate,lucky

  10. on Wednesday 23rd of May 2018 06:55:01 AM

    Any one heard the name Fabiha… The meaning is good as mentioned I need to confirm by more comments…

  11. on Sunday 26th of August 2018 04:46:46 PM

    Fabiha mean fortunate,lucky,good deed and it is a arabic name for girl

  12. on Friday 31st of January 2020 10:41:52 AM

    What is the Quraning meaning Fabiha Afaf? pls kindly inform me

  13. on Tuesday 28th of April 2020 09:09:36 AM

    What is the quarnjng meaning fabiha afaf ?
    Kindly inform me

  14. on Friday 1st of May 2020 05:19:32 PM

    ‘Excellent’ is the meaning of the Muslim name called ‘Fabeeha’.

  15. on Friday 1st of May 2020 05:22:18 PM

    ‘Excellent’ is the meaning of the Muslim name called ‘Fabeeha’

  16. on Saturday 11th of July 2020 06:52:40 PM

    My name is Fabeeha.
    3rd december 2004 on Friday.
    İn morning Fajar

  17. on Thursday 20th of August 2020 10:37:29 AM

    What is the meaning of Syed Fabeha and Fabeha jan

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