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A Quranic Name for Boys

Meaning: Growth and Progress

Zaed is variant of Zayd and has the exact same meaning and pronunciation (see below for full meaning). You can use either Zaed or Zayd, both are correct and acceptable. If you like this variant more and you'd like to pronounce it the way it is spelled (different than the original name), this is perfectly acceptable. For more details please see the main entry at: Zayd.

Full Meaning of Zaed

Zaed means growth, abundance, one who makes progress. It is the name of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)’s adopted son. It is mentioned once in the Quran. Many of the Prophet’s companions were named Zaed and for this reason it is a popular name among Muslims.

When you [Prophet] said to the man who had been favored by God and by you, ‘Keep your wife and be mindful of God,’ you hid in your heart what God would later reveal: you were afraid of people, but it is more fitting that you fear God. When Zaed no longer wanted her, We gave her to you in marriage so that there might be no fault in believers marrying the wives of their adopted sons after they no longer wanted them. God’s command must be carried out. {33:37}

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Categories: Variants of Islamic Names
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