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Are LIYYAN & RIZA good names and ...

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

I have kept my baby girl name as Anzila Rehma ...

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

Is Khadijah a good name?

This is a reader question with no replies so far.

Are Nozain or Shehzil good names?

This is a reader question with no replies so far.

Does Sehrish mean “sunrise”?

This is a reader question that has received 8 replies so far. Read more


This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

Abdur Rahman or Abdul Rahman, which one is ...

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

Can we use Alaidaroosi as a girl’s last ...

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

Is Aahite an insult?

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

Can we use Husni as a surname?

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

Can we use Ozil as a first name?

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.


This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

Is it haram to name a child a name not from ...

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

Are two names necessary or can a child just ...

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.


This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

my daughter’s name is Yumna

This is a reader question with an official answer by our staff.

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