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I want keep baby boy name. Wasi
But on allah 99name says. Al-wasi. Is this ok to keep only wasi? One of sufi says. I have keel al-wasi. Other waise I can’t. I need to if I can only keep wasi?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 15th of October 2019 09:27:10 AM

    as far i know, among 99 names of allah, there are a few names that is specially for allah. eg. rahman, rahim, malik, gafur, rajjak. we sould not call any one by this name, we should add the word ”abdul” with those name. abdur rahman, abdul malik, abdul gafur for example. but this rules for those specific names. you can call a boy or girl by mensioning those name that is not special. eg. wasi, nafi. in fact both of the name belongs to my two son alhamdulillah. i took this information from one of an islamic scholar of our area who is a teacher of masters level and an imam of a famouse mosque as well. if you have further question please contact with some islamic scholar. i might be wrong. may allah safe all of us from sirk and other sin. ameen.

  2. on Tuesday 18th of May 2021 02:02:15 AM


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