Meaning of the word Liza as in the Quran

Home Forums Question and Answer Meaning of the word Liza as in the Quran

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  ibn ahmed 4 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #124877 Reply



    I am looking for a name for my baby girl. I would like to know the meaning of the word Liza. My mother in law said she came across this word while reciting the Quran. I checked in this website but there is no mention of that name.

    When I checked in other websites, in some its meaning is mentioned as Devoted to Allah. Some of these sites say the origin is Hebrew and the Others say its Arabic.

    I would like to clear out my doubt and to know if this is a suitable name for my daughter.

  • #134313 Reply


    I am looking for a name for my baby girl. I would like to know the meaning of the word Liza. My mother in law said she came across this word while reciting the Quran. I checked in this website but there is no mention of that name.

    When I checked in other websites, in some its meaning is mentioned as Devoted to Allah. Some of these sites say the origin is Hebrew and the Others say its Arabic.

    I would like to clear out my doubt and to know if this is a suitable name for my daughter.

  • #134373 Reply


    Meaning in tamil

  • #134414 Reply

    ibn ahmed

    there is no “liza” in quran

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