
Home Forums Question and Answer inayah

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gBqsPxAZ 7 months ago.

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  • #119525 Reply


    As-Salam ‘Alaykum, Thanks a lot I am really sorry to bother you again >i just want to make sure how inaya is Pronounced.i am attaching how it is pronounced ;if u will able to hear it Is Inayah is the name of any scholar or historical personality ?? >When we combine “Inayah noor “…..its means is like ” gift of light”or “in care of light”. or it will remain keeps its original meaning like Inayah=Allahs care(concern,gift)……n Noor=light sorry but i hope u clarify these questions. thanks

  • #119589 Reply

    Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

    For the pronunciation of Inayah, which can also be written as Inaya please see: Inaya.

    We do not know any person in history with this name. Inayah Noor will not create a new meaning, but if Inayah al-Noor means “the protection given by light”, and since al-Noor is one of the names of Allah SWT, it would mean “God’s care and protection”. Inaya al-Noor can also be written as Inayatun Nur, Inayat Un Noor or Inayatul Noor.

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