How to pronounce Rumaisaa | Run + pUt + MAY + Sum + mA Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Original Spelling | رُمَيْصَاء How to write Rumaisaa in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian |
Alternate spellings of Rumaisaa | Rumaysah Rumaisa Rumaysa Romaisa All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.
Meaning of Rumaisaa
Rumaisaa is an Arabic name for girls. It is the name of a Sahabiyyah, whose full name is Rumaisaa bint Milhan bin Khalid al-Ansariyyah al-Khazrajiyyah. Rumaisaa is one of the Arabic names for the star known as Sirius in English, according to the dictionary al-Mu`jam al-Waseet, which is published by the Academy of the Arabic Language in Cairo, Egypt.
Reader Comments:
on Tuesday 28th of August 2018 10:49:18 AM
My name is rumaysa and it’s not very popular but I’m glad it’s my names
It’s also the first women who converted to Islam
on Sunday 15th of August 2021 02:34:02 PM
Absaloutely adore this sweet name used for my own little angel who turns 3 next week I love it so much the meaning is so heart felt and so much importance and I love how sweet it is to say I chose the spelling Rumaysah and baby girl often goes by nickname “Rumee”
on Friday 11th of March 2022 09:58:51 AM
Alaikumasslam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Can anybody tell me Rumaisaa name correct meaning ?? I saw it’s meaning is Bunch of flower
andn how we can write it in urdu (رُ میصاء رومیسہ رُمَيْسَاء )