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As Salaam Walekum. I want to know what is the meaning of the name "RIYAFEEL". Also what is the origin of this name and cn we keep this for our son


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Riyafeel seems to be the way some people  in India and Pakistan refer to the angel Raphael, whose standard name in Islam is Israfeel. He is the angel who blows the trumpet that ends the world, and then blows it again for the Creation to be brought back to life.

Using the names of angels is allowed in Islam, for this reason you can use Riyafeel, Raphael, and Israfeel. The meaning of these words possibly come from the same ancient roots, which are related to healing that comes from God. However one sources says Israfel means "the burning one".

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  1. on Wednesday 9th of December 2015 05:25:12 PM

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  2. on Sunday 31st of May 2020 06:09:02 PM

    I am Pakistani and have never heard any Pakistani say Riyafeel, only “Israfil”….

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