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A Non-Quranic Name for Girls

How to pronounce Kiara

KIt + YArn + NAp

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Original Spellingكيارا
How to write Kiara in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian
Alternate spellings of KiaraKiaara Kiyara Kyara
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Kiara

Kiara is a Persian name for girls that means “pica”, a desire for eating non-nutritious things, such as ice.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 18th of September 2018 02:42:46 PM

    It’s ki Ya Ra
    Not Na

  2. on Tuesday 18th of September 2018 07:55:35 PM

    I just named my daughter this alhumdullilah
    It’s a beautiful name
    Pronounced Kyara

  3. on Wednesday 19th of September 2018 06:02:04 PM

    I don’t understand the meaning
    I wish to name my daughter this however I have seen it means God’s precious and dark haired
    Which is correct

  4. on Monday 24th of September 2018 03:39:39 PM

    This is my beautiful daughters name
    Pronounced Kyara
    It’s an amazing name and I love the way it’s pronounced
    Her brother is called Jayden.

  5. on Tuesday 9th of April 2019 09:21:42 AM

    Citizens of Bukit Kiara Kuala Lumpur, where are your voices?

  6. on Saturday 20th of June 2020 03:56:47 PM

    Is the name pronounced Keeyara or Kyara?

  7. on Sunday 6th of September 2020 01:47:03 PM

    It’s a beautiful name tho I feel the meaning is a little

  8. on Monday 26th of October 2020 12:58:00 PM

    My sweetest little angel how blessed am I to have spent this amazing year long adventure with you, I am just the luckiest mumma in the world and thank you so much for choosing us Kiaa, your bubba and I have never been luckier! You are the most sweetest, little bundle of joy who has the most loveliest laugh and everything I do is for you, I cannot wait to see what allah has planned for us, my love this is just the beginning of many great things. I thank allah every single day for bringing you into my life. May today be filled with tons if Love, laughter and forever heartfelt memories for you to treasure ALWAYS! And May Allah protect you from all things bad and fill all your future life with forever never ending happiness ❤️❤️❤️ And may he leave no space for anything else, may you live a long strong life my sweet heart, with all the my love, my sweetest angel. Mumma x ❤️

  9. on Tuesday 5th of January 2021 02:22:47 PM

    Is kaira a Muslim name???? Not Kiara… It’s kaira

  10. on Thursday 18th of February 2021 02:48:24 PM

    I like the name in English but the meaning is a little big erm urgh ?

  11. on Sunday 30th of May 2021 01:47:26 PM

    I chose this name for my little angel flying in heaven . Not the meaning of pica but the Italian meaning of “ little ray of sunshine”

  12. on Tuesday 21st of September 2021 10:56:59 PM

    Can anyone confirm if this is actually a muslim name?
    And Kiana is also a very lovely name but i was looking into kiara

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With K | All Muslim Baby Names | Muslim Girl Names not from the Quran | Non-Quranic Names | Persian (Farsi) Baby Names | Urdu (Desi / Indo-Pakistani) Baby Names
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