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Is Anzalna a girl’s name from Quran? And can Anzal be girl’s name too?


This is an official answer by Staff

Anzalna is an Arabic phrase used in the Quran that means "we sent [something] down", usually referring to the Quran being sent down by God. Arabs do not use Anazala as a name because it is a whole phrase, it is not a word, and it sounds strange to name a child a phrase. But if you like it and it is common in your culture then you can use it.

Anzal is incorrect, as no such word exists in Arabic, it should be Anzala. You can learn more about this here: I want to keep my baby girl name as Anzala Khan

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 20th of March 2015 02:14:02 AM

    Excuse me but my name is Anzal so deal with it and I think that is a appropriate name to name a child with it has so much meaning in one word

  2. on Saturday 3rd of February 2018 04:46:36 PM

    i love this name but it doesnt have a proper meaning

  3. on Monday 23rd of April 2018 05:39:13 PM

    We are confused between Anjalna, Anzalna, Anjalana, Anzalana, please suggest me the correct meaning or spelling of the word

  4. on Monday 27th of April 2020 06:17:01 AM

    My name is anzalna and my name is right OK if it’s wrong so reply me

  5. on Wednesday 14th of September 2022 04:39:49 AM

    My daughter name is Anzalna I keep it..

  6. on Friday 9th of December 2022 06:30:04 AM

    Hadii aan arag tidey ka dhiib to magacaan waa magac muslin macnihiisan waxan ogahey inuu yahey nasiib

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