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i want to use abqurah or aiman or ammarah for my baby girl kindly suggest best one with meaning.


This is an official answer by Staff
Abqurah, Abqara, Abqar, all mean a woman who is beautiful and intelligent. It comes from the A-B-Q-R root which is used in the Quran (Quran 55:76) to mean a very high quality carpet in Paradise.

Aiman, Ayman means "blessed" and it is a word used in the Quran. It is pronounced as (U)ltimate + pa(Y) + (MU)sk + (N)ame. It shouldn't be pronounced as Aymaan 

Ammarah means "commander", something that commands, it is used in Quran 12:53 ("Indeed the ego is a commander of evil deeds.")

All of the meanings are good therefore all of them are acceptable Islamically and it is your own choice which one you like. Personally I like Ayman most, but someone else may like another.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 30th of April 2017 02:52:45 PM

    Ammarah is best, the meaning is also, even the character Mashaallah it’s my Mualimah name May Allah give her Love, health, wealth, respect and success in all her way, I didn’t found a person like her in my life.. The way of teaching, speaking, commanding, smiling Barakallah I suggest you this by both means

    May Allah give you a best answer

  2. on Monday 2nd of November 2020 12:28:43 AM

    I named my baby girl after the brave woman of Islam Umme Ammarah

  3. on Saturday 13th of March 2021 06:52:21 PM

    Salam I named my baby girl too Ammarah MashaAllah indeed she was a brave woman in Islam

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