Use of name Imaan for both boy and girl

Home Forums Question and Answer Use of name Imaan for both boy and girl

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Subhana 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #124510 Reply


    We have named our baby girl Imaan. I find it is a sweet and beautiful name. However, a lot of people have to ask the gender of the baby upon hearing the name. Some are convinced it is a boys name and if not at least it is too similar to boys names such as Inaam, Imaadh etc. We are now thinking of changing her name.

    I am simply looking for and opinion on this.

    If we were to change do you have any suggestions?

  • #124673 Reply


    Imaan is a beautiful name.

    Iman is one of the highest status Quranic names for girls and one of the central concepts of Islam. Iman means faith in Allah. It means to accept the truth of Islam in the heart.

    Please don’t change the name. Yes it’s very similar to some boys name like Amaan but just ignore the comments!!

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