Shayan name

Home Forums Question and Answer Shayan name

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rana 6 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author
  • #114597 Reply


    Can I keep my baby boy name “Shayan” as “Shayan Muhammad Yousaf”, does it will have a good meaning in this form. as my name is Muhammad Yousaf. Thanks

  • #115019 Reply

    Shayan Muhammad Yousaf is an acceptable name. Each name has its own independent meaning.

  • #124012 Reply

    Shayan Ahmed

    I wanted to keep a Name for son as Shayan Ahmed, please let me know the meaning of “Shayan”

  • #127331 Reply


    please let me know the meaning of “Shayan”

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