Searching for 2nd name

Home Forums Question and Answer Searching for 2nd name

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lisna 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #106989 Reply

    last name for Afnan

    which would be the best 2nd(last) name/s that goes with the 1st name Afnan?

  • #107849 Reply


    Please give me some suggestions of t names and I names.for girls.also do you have names suggestions of that go like afsheen. Yasmeen. Almost rhyming. Searching for a name like that style
    for a girl please help

  • #107887 Reply

    There are no criteria to decide which name is best. You can choose any name that has a good meaning.

  • #108067 Reply


    The best way of naming children is to give a single name with good meaning and then suffix it with the father’s name (instead of a second name).

  • #121674 Reply


    1.What name can come after Zayn?
    2.What name can be with Zia?

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