Name feasibility check

Home Forums Question and Answer Name feasibility check

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Staff 9 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #108278 Reply

    Ussama Assad

    Can i name my Boy as “Mohammad Hadi”.?
    the complete name would be “Mohammad Hadi Ussama”.
    is it ok?

  • #108279 Reply

    Ussama Assad

    Also can Hadi alone be called as name??

  • #108280 Reply

    Ussama Assad

    “Hadi Ussama” as a name is this okay?

  • #108291 Reply

    Muhammad Hadi Ussama is acceptable. Hadi alone can be used as a name, similar to Ali, both of which are names of God. Hadi Ussama is also acceptable.

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